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If my lord and cobbler will put away the snow-shoe we will dine, and after the washing up I will sleep." It was in this spirit of lightness that she faced all the hardships incidental to their present life, and it was little wonder that at times, between her gaiety and her challenging presence, Stane had much ado to keep his resolve.

It hid the east like clouds of smoke. Snow remained unmelted two feet from the camp-fire. And the fire alone saved these people from the enemy. If Sam stooped for a moment to adjust his snow-shoe strap, he straightened his back with a certain reluctance, already the benumbing preliminary to freezing had begun.

Roy had fixed a snow-shoe on the outer ridge of the snow-drift, to mark the distance of their last leap from its crest, and had given the sledge an extra push on the way down to increase its impetus.

In the old days when Crowheart was a blacksmith shop and the stamping ground of "Snow-shoe" Brown, whose log cabin hung on the edge of the bench overlooking the stream like a crow's nest in a cottonwood tree, "Snow-shoe" Brown had yelled in vain, one spring day, at a man and woman on the seat of a covered wagon who were preparing to ford the stream at the usual crossing.

Some of you boys run up an' down the trail and see if you can see any tracks making for the other bank." Their report was, that on that side the snow was unbroken. Not even a snow-shoe rabbit had crossed it. Blackbeard, bending over the dead man, straightened up, with a woolly, furry wad in his hand. Shredding this, he found imbedded in the centre the bullet which had perforated the body.

The best water-proof footwear is the Esquimau mukluk, not easily obtainable in the interior of Alaska, but the mukluk is an inconvenient footwear to put snow-shoes on. Rubber boots or shoes of any kind are most uncomfortable things to travel in. Nothing equals the moccasin on the trail, nothing is so good to snow-shoe in.

Great solitary flakes of snow fell upon it. "She snow hard soon. Mebby cover snow-shoe trails!" "And if it does we're safe!" There was a vibrant joy in Wabi's voice. For a full minute Mukoki held his face to the sky. "Hear small wind over chasm," he said. "She come from south. She snow hard now up there!" They went on, stirred by new hope. Rod could feel that the flakes were coming thicker.

Once she fell, stumbling over a stump; twice she ran against a tree, for the white darkness was absolutely blinding, and she saw nothing, felt nothing but snow, snow. At last her snow-shoe struck something hard. She stretched out her hands it was the stone wall. And now, as she crept along beside it, the child's wail broke out again close at hand. "Mother! O mother! mother!"

Did a man lose a toe on some frosty snow-shoe tramp, the Governing Committee solemnly voted him £4 smart money, or £1 for a periwig, or £10 a year pension for life. No matter to what desperate straits the Company was reduced, it never forgot a captain who had saved a cargo from raid, or the hero of a fight, or a wood-runner who had carried trade inland.

For in snow-shoe walking the feet must be lifted straight up and then carried forward before they are planted, and any attempt to slide them forward makes a woeful tangle; to try to lift the ski off the ground, however, is to invite ridiculous distress, and the whole art of scooting on the ski is in the long, sliding motion.