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The truth of the matter being that he is just a plain, ordinary poop and needs a snootful as badly as ever man did. So no more discussion, Jeeves. My mind is made up. There is only one way of handling this difficult case, and that is the way I have outlined." "Very good, sir." "Right ho, Jeeves. So much for that, then.

"Holy cat!" shouted the cartoonist "Poison gas!" "Nix!" said Bleak, revealing Quimbleton's secret in his excitement. "Gooseberry bombs. Every chuff that inhales it will be properly soused. Oh, boy, some story! Look at the Bish! He's got a snootful already his face has turned black!"

That gaze flickered for the merest instant to the Colts at the Kentuckian’s belt. "I sure had me a real snootful an’ I guess I was jus’ fightin’ th’ war all over again. No hard feelin’s?" That guileless confession was very convincing on the surface. How did you assess an emotion you did not understand yourself?

All I did was to inhale a snootful and go out with a friend and stand the thriving little village of Emporia up on end and tip it over. 'Tis a strange tale. List, and I will unfold it to you. One day I was wafting slowly and sedately down to the Boston Store for my mail when lo! and behold, what did I see out in front of the Palace Hotel but an automobile.

"Johnny, what kinda game you tryin’? You know these kids are straight; them an’ their ol’ man’s come to work th’ Range for wild ones on Rennie’s own askin’. Takin’ a quirt to th’ kid, eh?" Kells’ voice slid up the scale. "You sure have yourself a snootful tonight! Now you jus’ walk yourself outta here on th’ bounce. I’m doin’ th’ sayin’ of what goes on, on my own property."

"This female party started to drinking champagne as if it were suds, so naturally it wasn't long before she got a snootful, and one of these crying kind, all the party began to kid her until at last she sobbed, 'Well, there is always one place I can go to where I am welcome. One of the guys said, 'Yes, dearie, I know it, but it is after 1 o'clock now and that place is closed. Then little Bright Eyes beat it and we all had a real nice evening after that.

Him with a snootful an’ somebody yellin’ Reb and Yank. Some men can’t forgit an’ don’t seem to want to. Johnny sure takes it hard bein’ on th’ losin’ sideturned him dirt mean. Now, you kids, you stayin’ in town?" "." Faquita nodded vigorously. "With Tía María." "Then you git there an’ stay clear of Johnny Shannon, sabe? No more trouble." ", Señor Kells.