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His hat is empty of his head, His snuff-box has no sneezer, His cane is idle in the hall For gone is Ebeneezer. Within the house we miss him, Let fall the sorrowing tear, Yet shall we gather as was our wont Year after sunny year. He took such joy in all his friends That he would have it so; He left his house to relatives But none of us need go.

Clung and famished, the poor brute could no longer resist the temptation, but, making a desperate snatch at the joint, bolted through the door with it, hotly pursued by the Bull frog. "Drop the leg of mutton, Sneezer," roared the Lieutenant, "drop the mutton drop it, sir, drop it, drop it." And away raced his Majestv's officer in pursuit of the canine pirate.

"What is it?" asked Rose in the same low tone that Russ used. "We can do something for Mammy June." "We can't cure her rheumatism, Russ," said Rose. "Even the doctor can't do that in a hurry. He said so." "No. She's worrying about her boy. That boy with the funny name. Sneezer." "Yes, I know," said Rose.

Here Sneezer, who had been still as a mouse all this while, put his black snout out of the hammock, and began to cheep and whine in his gladness at seeing his master, and the large tears ran down his coal black muzzle as he licked my hand, while every now and then he gave a short fondling bark, as if he had said, "Ah, master, I thought you had forgotten me altogether, ever since the action where I got my leg broke by a grape shot, but I find I am mistaken."

"I hope not," said the phlegmatic Augustus; "repeaters will not tell well for your conversation, Ned! But, powers that be! look at this ring, a diamond of the first water!" "Oh, the sparkler! it makes one's mouth water as much as itself. 'Sdeath, here's a precious box for a sneezer, a picture inside, and rubies outside!

'Well, would be his jovial salutation, 'here's a sneezer! And the look of these warm fellows is tonic, and upholds their drooping fellow-townsmen. There is yet another class who do not depend on corporal advantages, but support the winter in virtue of a brave and merry heart.

On reaching Mrs Willis's little dwelling, I found young Slidder officiating at the tea-table. I could not resist watching him a moment through a crack in the door before entering. "Now then," said he, "'ere you are! Set to work, old Sneezer, with a will!"

It's horrid disgustin', and ain't overly brave nother; and to make matters wus, as if this warn't bad enough, them four emblem figures, have great heavy iron chains on 'em, and a great enormous sneezer of a lion has one part o' the chain in its mouth, and is a-growlin' and a-grinnin' and a-snarling at 'em like mad, as much as to say, 'if you dare to move the sixteen hundredth part of an inch, I will fall to and make mincemeat of you, in less than half no time.

"'It's no use, sais I, 'you must larn them oaths, he's used to 'em and misses them shocking. A sailor, a hoss, and a nigger ain't no good without you swear at 'em; it comes kinder nateral to them, and they look for it, fact I assure you. Whips wear out, and so do spurs, but a good sneezer of a cuss hain't no wear out to it; it's always the same.

Mistress Affery, with a suppressed cry, threw her apron over her head. 'What? You want another dose! said Mr Flintwinch. 'You shall have it, my woman, you shall have a good one! Oh! You shall have a sneezer, you shall have a teaser! 'In the meantime is anybody going to the door? said Arthur.