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"'Then, says Love, 'yo'd rather yo' tired daddy took care o' the chile after his hard day's work. "'Now yo're talkin', says Dinah. 'I shorely would. My daddy's strong. "The tears came into Love's eyes, she felt so down-hearted. 'Yo' daddy needs comfort, Dinah, she says, 'an' yo're big enough to give it to him, says she; 'an' look at the black smooches on my w'ite gown.

The result dangled creaksomely from her hands, revealing new wrinkles and smooches and leprous patches of starch at every motion. What was in this bundle would be in the rest there was no hope. In Theodosia Baxter's little girlhood, she had played there were two "'Dosies," a good one and a bad one.

Miss Theodosia did not have to do any talking. "Stefana says there's some smooches, but the worst ones come under your arms an' where they's puckers. The wrinkles Stefana hopes you'll excuse they'll air 'out, she expects. She was comin' over an' explain, herself, but she's gone to bed. Evangeline's gone, too, to keep the baby quiet.

One look into her wide, unseeing eyes was enough; Stefana was asleep. In a chattering little voice she was talking to herself. It was like a soft wail of sound. "I must get them back! Quick, before she sees; I must iron them over. Perhaps if I starched them again another coat of starch might hide the smooches. She mustn't see the smooches!

Then she said that the paper stained everything it touched, that she had found yellow smooches on all my clothes and John's, and she wished we would be more careful! Did not that sound innocent? But I know she was studying that pattern, and I am determined that nobody shall find it out but myself! Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be.

Stefana says you needn't pay as much's you expected to, 'count o' the smooches an' wrink " "I always pay the same price for my dresses," Miss Theodosia said, forgetful of the boy's affliction. She put the money into the hard little palm of Carruthers and watched him scamper home with it. Miss Theodosia looked happy.

If Mother should lose the chance oh, I must get 'em back and starch 'em another coat! Mother mustn't lose her! My thumbs ache so!" Was she coming straight toward the door? No, a fortunate whiff of breeze seemed to blow her aside like a little seed-puff, and she went drifting by. She was apparently searching anxiously. "I must find them! Quick, before she sees! Oh, there are the smooches.

I see some of the smooches! But I can't find the rest of them " Miss Theodosia sprang forward in the direction of the pathetic little figure, but almost as quickly caught herself up. Sleepwalkers were not to be awakened suddenly. What then was to be done? "I must get her back to bed without letting her wake," thought Miss Theodosia. A plan suggested itself.

She was a pretty little thing, although just at this time it is doubtful if any of her family or those closely associated with her would have admitted it. Her face was not too clean, her frock was soiled and mussed, her curls had been blown into a tangle and there were smooches, Jed guessed them to be blackberry stains, on her hands, around her mouth and even across her small nose.