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It was another when they imported one of our sleeping-cars the other day. And it warmed my heart more than I can tell, yesterday, when I witnessed the spectacle of an Englishman ordering an American sherry cobbler of his own free will and accord and not only that but with a great brain and a level head reminding the barkeeper not to forget the strawberries.

In the sleeping-cars all the berths were occupied, but here and them throughout the length of the train an occasional traveller slept on the seat of his carriage, wrapped in coats and rugs, while in the dining-saloon a couple of sleepy waiters lurched to and fro in attendance upon a party of three men whose energy precluded the thought of wasting even the night hours and who were playing cards at one of the small tables.

It was another when they imported one of our sleeping-cars the other day. And it warmed my heart more than I can tell, yesterday, when I witnessed the spectacle of an Englishman ordering an American sherry cobbler of his own free will and accord and not only that but with a great brain and a level head reminding the barkeeper not to forget the strawberries.

Roch rushed to the ticket office, said "Second-class, Montgomery," received and paid for his ticket, and sprang upon the last car of the train as it slowly drew out of the station. There were no sleeping-cars at the time, which was fortunate for him, as, if there had been, he might not have been allowed to get on the train. In a moment the train disappeared in the gloom, and Mrs.

Why, I could tell you the most wonderful stories. You wouldn't believe." "How do you travel generally?" "Oh, different ways. I have gone around some in sleeping-cars, and had my baggage checked through; but generally I prefer to walk. I'm never in a hurry, and I like to take my own route. I'm a mighty good walker.

At dawn these people had left their comfortable sleeping-cars at Chadron, in the Nebraska desert, to change to the train of archaic coaches which transported the land-seekers across the last stretch of their journey.

Don't you hate sleeping-cars, and didn't it seem funny to have no one but Uncle Dick all these days?" "No one but Uncle Dick; I like that," said that gentleman rejoining them. "Are you going to have me called a nobody at the very outset, Polly?" "Oh, I didn't mean " began Molly covered with confusion. "Oh, yes you did; you said it when you thought my back was turned," interrupted her uncle.

She had come quietly down- stairs, and was standing beside Nannie. Even in his scared preoccupation, the sight of David's mother shook him. "I I thought," he stammered, "that you had gone home, Mrs. Richie." "She had a little cold, and I would not let her go until to- morrow morning," Nannie said; "you always take more cold on those horrid sleeping-cars."

The bullets of the foe were not the only dangers. It was midsummer and these men were bound for the tropics and the cursed fields of sand where the tarantula, the rattlesnake, and the scorpion lurked under the cactus. Jim's mother thought less of the Mexicans than of the fact that there were no sleeping-cars even for the officers.

Babbitt perceived that as an official delegate he must be more dignified. With Wing and Rogers he tramped up and down the cement platform beside the waiting Pullmans. Motor-driven baggage-trucks and red-capped porters carrying bags sped down the platform with an agreeable effect of activity. Arc-lights glared and stammered overhead. The glossy yellow sleeping-cars shone impressively.