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His head was hairless, no larger than an orange, and the pits of his nostrils were eaten away by a disease. He laughed and slavered and he sported sportively before Kurban Sahib. The man brought coffee and the woman showed us purwanas from three General Sahibs, certifying that they were people of peace and goodwill. Here are the purwanas, Sahib. Does the Sahib know the Generals who signed them?

He saw the flashing forms of gray, the gleaming eyes, the lolling tongues, the slavered fangs. And he saw the inexorable circle close in till it became a dark point in the midst of the stamped snow. A cold muzzle thrust against his cheek, and at its touch his soul leaped back to the present. His hand shot into the fire and dragged out a burning faggot.

Meanwhile, the infant ruffian continued sucking; and glowered up at me defyingly, as he slavered into the jug. 'I shall have my supper in another room, I said. 'Have you no place you call a parlour? 'Parlour! he echoed, sneeringly, 'parlour! Nay, we've noa parlours. If yah dunnut loike wer company, there's maister's; un' if yah dunnut loike maister, there's us.

His eyes were fixed, and his face as white as silver his mouth was wide open, and his great tongue went lolling about from side to side and he shook his head, and mumbled and slavered he was struck all of a sudden into idiocy, and knew nobody; not even his bride. She was sinking before him, but he never noticed her, but went moaning, and muttering, and shaking his head. Ho! ho!

It apparently had no effect on him, the liquor that he took. "Say, but you're a tough one," complimented Molly. But it began in the afternoon. He picked up a stray dog from the floor and began kissing it. And the dog slavered back, returning his affection.

"And how did they do before they died?" said the Inspector. "They ran about in the sun, and slavered at the mouth till they died." "Wherefore?" "God knows. He sent the madness. It was no fault of mine." "Thy own mouth hath answered thee." The Inspector laughed. "It is with men as it is with dogs. God afflicts some with a madness.

She pressed him warmly to her gigantean bosom and again slavered over him with her moist, warm, Hottentot lips.

Lawrence found a length of line in the yard Clara's clothes-line, in fact and knotted it into a triple cord, for, though no sane man could have got far in such a state, it was on the cards that Janaway in his madness might scramble up and wander away on the downs. So Lawrence lashed him hand and foot, and Ben blinked and grinned at the sun and slavered over his beard.

No sooner have we landed and fought our way into one of the narrow alleys, than the road is blocked by an enormous bull who stands placidly before a greengrocer's stall sampling his wares. The man makes no attempt to drive him away, but tries to tempt him by holding a choice bunch of his best stuff. The beast has slavered over much that will be sold for human food afterwards. What?

By-an'-by they got used wi' it, and even speered at her to ken what was wrang; but frae that day forth she couldnae speak like a Christian woman, but slavered and played click wi' her teeth like a pair o' shears; and frae that day forth the name o' God cam' never on her lips. Whiles she wad try to say it, but it michtnae be.