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That Gauda became Jugurtha's successor is indicated by Sallust, c. 65 and Dio. As Mauretania was twice enlarged by the Romans, first in 649 after the surrender of Jugurtha, and then in 708 after the breaking up of the Numidian kingdom, it is probable that the region of Caesarea was added on the first, and that of Sitifis on the second augmentation.

That Gauda became Jugurtha's successor is indicated by Sallust, c. 65 and Dio. As Mauretania was twice enlarged by the Romans, first in 649 after the surrender of Jugurtha, and then in 708 after the breaking up of the Numidian kingdom, it is probable that the region of Caesarea was added on the first, and that of Sitifis on the second augmentation.

As Curio had already proposed, the kingdom of Massinissa was broken up. The most eastern portion or region of Sitifis was united with the kingdom of Bocchus king of East Mauretania, and the faithful king Bogud of Tingis was rewarded with considerable gifts. The Victory of Monarchy

As Curio had already proposed, the kingdom of Massinissa was broken up. The most eastern portion or region of Sitifis was united with the kingdom of Bocchus king of East Mauretania, and the faithful king Bogud of Tingis was rewarded with considerable gifts. The Victory of Monarchy