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And they are due primarily to the working of the single-member constituency. I am a profound believer in organised parties as essential to the working of our system. But I also believe that there is real substance in these complaints, though they are often exaggerated. What is the remedy?

He was an ardent supporter of the single-member constituency, or scrutin d'arrondissement, as the French call it, in opposition to scrutin de liste. I, on the other hand, foresaw that the new system would break up the powerful political associations in our great towns, and thus destroy a political force which I believed to be of great value.

They, however, advise us that there is absolutely no support for such a proposal in the Transvaal, and that its adoption I will not say its imposition would be unpopular and incomprehensible throughout the country. If a scientific or proportional representation cannot be adopted, then I say unhesitatingly that the next best way of protecting minorities is to go straight for single-member seats.

A single-member constituency must necessarily contain a minority, and may even contain a majority of dissatisfied persons whose representation is, as it were, blotted out by the successful candidate. Three single-member constituencies which might all return members of the same colour, if they were lumped together to return three members would probably return two of one colour and one of another.

Therefore, with the desire of not extinguishing these local minorities, his Majesty's Government have decided that single-member constituencies, or man against man, shall be the rule in the Transvaal.

Under Scrutin de liste "the department is the electoral unit, each having its complement of deputies allotted to it in proportion to its population, and each elector having as many votes as there are seats ascribed to his department, without, however, the power to cumulate." Scrutin d'arrondissement is election by single-member constituencies. The arrondissement is the electoral unit.

Afterwards it will be open to us to believe or disbelieve in its attainment. Imagination is the essence of creation. If we can imagine a better government we are half-way to making it. Now, whatever other conditions such a body will satisfy, we may be sure that it will not be made up of members elected by single-member constituencies.

It was an immense relief to me to have got the burden off my soul; but I had received another proof of the frequency with which that long arm of coincidence asserts itself. As a result of the passing of the Franchise Bill, and the creation of single-member constituencies which accompanied it, a Boundary Commission had to be appointed, to settle the boundaries of the new electoral divisions.

The Committee will realise that this is a question with an elusive climax. It is like going up a mountain. Each successive peak appears in turn the summit, and yet there is always another pinnacle beyond. We have now settled that the Members are to be allotted to single-member constituencies based on the old magisterial districts according to the adult male residents there.

More Antagonism towards Forster A Household Suffrage Demonstration at Leeds A Meeting at the Carlton Club and a Coincidence Forster and "the most Powerful Man in Europe" Single-Member Constituencies and the Cumulative Vote Dynamite Outrages Police Protection for Statesmen I Receive Threatening Letters and Get a Fright Death of Lord Houghton Lord Derby and how he was Misunderstood An Unconventional Dinner at Lord Houghton's A Visit to Tangier In Peril of the Sea Gibraltar "a Magnificent Imposture" Captain W. and the M.P. To the North Cape Cheering a Funeral Party News of Mr.