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It's strange and beautiful and exciting; and it seems as if the best and loveliest of all the world had come to you. We have been engaged a whole week; and every day it grows more mysteriously delightful." "It is so strange," said Hanny, with a long, indrawn breath. "And Charlie!" "Oh, don't you remember how we waylaid Mr. Reed one night, and begged him to let Charlie go to singing-school?

So 'Tenty sewed, and ached, and made Aunt 'Viny's bed and her gruel, read her Bible and prayed for Ned Parker, and thought she was growing very old, till one night he asked her to go to singing-school with him; whereupon she put on a pink calico dress, and began to recover her youth most wonderfully.

If I had not asked the loan of the pee-a-ne, they never would have sent for me to look arter their darned sheep. I must go, however. I hope you'll be able to keep yourself alive in my absence. I have got to string up the old fiddle for to-night. The singing-school is about a mile from this. I will come down with my old mare arter you, when its just time to be a-goin'. So good-bye."

She was their first fashionably educated teacher and taught them to recite poems in concert, introduced school books with pictures, little black illustrations of Old Dog Tray, Mary and Her Lamb, etc., and gave them their first idea of calisthenics. She loved music, and wished to attend the village singing-school.

If he had held his tongue, and kept his temper, and braved the sneers of Philip in silence, he might have won a victory; for he remembered a Sunday-school lesson upon the text, "He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." As it was, he had suffered a defeat, and went home that night disgusted with himself. Pleasant were those singing-school evenings. Under Mr.

Once a month, in the old church, the singing-school class of which we were all members regularly assembled.

"The auld man's mare's dead, A mile ayont Dundee," before I ever had set my eyes upon her. "Can she carry us?" said I, pausing irresolutely, with my foot on the rough heavy runner of the cutter. "I guess she can," quoth he. "She will skim like a bird over the snow; so get into the sleigh, and we will go straight off to the singing-school." It was intensely cold.

Flush, the poker champion, carried with him to the singing-school that astounding impudence which had long been the terror and admiration of the camp. But a quality which had always seemed exactly the thing when applied to poker seemed to the boys barely endurable when displayed toward Miss Brown.

He and Joe talked over clairvoyance and mesmerism, a curious power developed by a learned German, Dr. Mesmer, akin to that of some of the old magicians. Ben was very fond of abnormal things; but Joe set down communication with another world as an impossibility. Still, a good many people believed it. The children joined the singing-school again, and Charles Reed sang at several concerts.

I don't look much like Lurindy, to be sure; but then Lurindy's an old maid, as much as twenty-five, and don't go to singing-school. At least, these thoughts ran through my head as I watched Aunt Mimy down the hill. Lurindy a'n't so very pretty, I continued to think, but she's so very good, it makes up.