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"It is legal because I wish it." Nevertheless, the Marquis often thought of Simonne when he was alone. He recalled her beautiful, energetic face, her pathetic, eloquent words. Then he longed to see her son, whom his present wife hated. She herself had become a mother; the Vicomte Jean Talizac had been held at the baptismal font by the Queen Marie Antoinette.

He moved restlessly in his bath, listened a moment, then, with intent to make an end of the interruption, he raised a hoarse, croaking voice to inquire what might be taking place. The door opened, and Simonne, his mistress and household drudge, entered the room.

It was Simonne Everard, the triumvir's mistress later to be known as the Widow Marat who barred her ingress with this message. Checked, she drove back to the Providence Inn and wrote a letter to the triumvir: "Paris, 13th July, Year 2 of the Republic. "Citizen, I have arrived from Caen.

As she was not playing in the third act, she had a mind to be off at once and accordingly begged Clarisse to go and see if the man were there. Clarisse was only due on the stage toward the end of the act, and so she went downstairs while Simonne ran up for a minute to their common dressing room.

Yet she was smilingly submissive withal. He postured there for some moments, for he felt that together they formed a tableau. "One can't help liking ye, eh?" he continued. "Zounds, I was afraid I should get bored, and I said to myself, 'Here goes." But he interrupted himself with an oath. "Oh, damn!" Simonne had taken a step too quickly forward, and his foot had just felt his full weight.

At any rate, the person who rang three times at our door must have known my parents well, to have chosen them thus. "That is how, at the age of six weeks, Mademoiselle Pearl entered the Chantal household. "It was not until later that she was called Mademoiselle Pearl. She was at first baptized 'Marie Simonne Claire, Claire being intended, for her family name.

When Jupiter, grown suddenly amorous of a little laundress, began to knock off a mad cancan, Simonne, who was playing the part of the laundress, launched a kick at the master of the immortals' nose and addressed him so drolly as "My big daddy!" that an immoderate fit of laughter shook the whole house.

But Bosc just then came in with supreme tranquillity. "Eh? What? What do they want me for? Oh, it's my turn! You ought to have said so. All right! Simonne gives the cue: 'Here are the guests, and I come in. Which way must I come in?" "Through the door, of course," cried Fauchery in great exasperation. "Yes, but where is the door?"

On the stage, in an interval between their lines, they had just settled a little matter. Clarisse, after viewing the thing in every light, found she preferred not to see La Faloise, who could never decide to leave her for Gaga, and so Simonne was simply to go and explain that a woman ought not to be palled up to in that fashion! At last she agreed to undertake the mission.

On his return he was hunted by his enemies, so that his only place of refuge was in the sewers and drains of Paris. A woman, one Simonne Evrard, helped him to escape his pursuers. In the sewers, however, he contracted a dreadful skin-disease from which he never afterward recovered, and which was extremely painful as well as shocking to behold.