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"Ma questo e ignorato dalla folla la quale continua a protestare. "Alle finestre si affacciano vari ufficiali e sventolano bandiere italiane; poi il maggiore Saylor accenna a parlare. "Si fa un gran silenzio.

Such high imaginings might be suggested by the group of Michael Angelo, his famous "Silenzio:" but very different certainly are the thoughts and associations conveyed by some of the very lovely, but at the same time familiar and commonplace, groups of peasant-mothers and sleeping babies the countless productions of the later schools even while the simplicity and truth of the natural sentiment go straight to the heart.

The blind man bawled, as if he wished to drown the sound of speech. "Please could you stop him, Marchese?" said Hermione. "I really give him this for me." She gave the Marchese a lira. "Signora, it isn't necessary. Silenzio! Silenzio! P-sh-sh-sh!" He hissed sharply, almost furiously.

Sicilian men were peering into his face, talking excitedly; through their chatter came that same voice, imperative, furious, filled with rage, and it cried: "Silenzio!" There was no mistaking it. The veil was ripped at last.

A square figure came swiftly through the group, muttering angrily, and the others fell back to give him room, all but Narcone, who repeated, doggedly: "Let me finish the work if you fear to do so." His companions broke out at him again in a babble of argument, whereupon the new-comer shouted at them in a furious voice: "Silenzio! Who did this?"

Then comes the Chief, silenzio, till I finish! he comes, they have told him, he stays at the bed, he looks down, the fine eye shines, he takes the hand, he says low 'I thank you, he lays his cloak, the gray cloak we know and love so well over the wounded breast, and so goes on. We cry out, but what does the friend?

"Silenzio!" said Bardo, in a loud agitated voice, while Romola half started from her chair, clasped her hands, and looked round at Tito, as if now she might appeal to him. Monna Brigida gave a little scream, and bit her lip. "Donna!" said Bardo, again, "hear once more my will. Bring no reports about that name to this house; and thou, Romola, I forbid thee to ask. My son is dead."

His face was distorted; his voice was thick with passion. "Silenzio!" he growled, with such imperative fury that the others fell silent; then hoarsely: "I play my own game, and I lose. That is all! You are like old wives with your advice. It is my accursed luck, which will some day bring me to the gallows. Now deal!"

Wed this voice to the poetry, and it finds passage 'twixt your ribs, as on the point of a driven blade. Do I cry the sweetness and the coolness of my melons? Not I! Try them." The signorina put her hand out for the scroll he was unfolding, and cast her eyes along bars of music, while Agostino called a "Silenzio tutti!" She sang one verse, and stopped for breath.

Between them he faintly perceived a widely smiling face, and from this face broke at once a sickly torrent of speech, half Neapolitan dialect, half bastard French. "Silenzio!" Artois said, sternly. The old harridan stopped in surprise, showing her tooth. "What has become of Peppina?" "Maria Santissima!" she ejaculated, moving back a step in the darkness. She paused.