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"What does it say, Poll!" asked Eleanor. "It means for us to turn to the left and follow the trail upwards!" said Polly, pointing to the signs. "I should think the ranchers would put up sign-posts to guide travelers!" said Barbara. "How long do you suppose a post would last in a mild little wind-storm that uproots trees and tosses them about like wisps of hay?" laughed Polly. "Oh, Polly!

But of all this I had little fear, being no more a schoolboy now, but a youth well-acquaint with Exmoor, and the wise art of the sign-posts, whereby a man, who barred the road, now opens it up both ways with his finger-bones, so far as rogues allow him.

Believing also that piety, false or true, was a becoming manner in which to meet her future, she continued in the Church, as though it were the cross-roads of a forest, where, seated on a bench, she read the sign-posts, and waited for some lucky chance; feeling all the while that night was coming on.

In fetching them we passed a company of Devons, employed on similar work at Vermandovillers, who were fetching their tools from Chaulnes an episode fit for a war-pageant. On the same afternoon we marched to Marchélepot. German sign-posts, old gun positions and burnt dug-outs were objects of interest on the way. Though cold, the weather was fine. Freedom from shelling was a treat.

South of the eighty-second parallel the Barrier was, if possible, still more even than farther north; we therefore advanced quite rapidly. At every unit parallel which we crossed on our advance toward the south we established a depot. We thereby doubtlessly exposed ourselves to a certain risk, for there was no time to set up sign-posts around the depots. We therefore had to rely on snow cairns.

"'Adorable' isn't slang," retorted Alice. "Oh, isn't it though? Since when?" "There you go yourself! You're as bad as I am." "Well, it must be associating with you, then," sighed Ruth. "No, Ruth, it's this moving picture business. It just makes you use words that mean something, and not those that are merely sign-posts. I'm glad to see that you are getting sensible. But never mind about that.

So they stood a full half-minute, Thane seeing nothing, hearing his heart beat preposterously in the silence. "Why don't you praise my sign-posts?" asked Daphne nervously. "See my beautiful distance, one straight line!" "I have changed my plans a little," said Thane. Daphne closed the book. "I shall see you again in Boise. This is good-by for three days. Take care of yourself."

"Here," said he, "I have dwelt many years, telling strangers how to get to Yellow Springs and others the way to go to the devil, which is just to keep on the wrong road and keep disregarding the sign-posts in God's Word."

All that could be done was to leave a few sign-posts as firmly planted as one could, so as to recall the real journey to those who already knew it, and, for the rest, to trust to the floating interest and passion surrounding a great controversy the second religious battle of the nineteenth century with which it had seemed to me, both in Oxford and in London, that the intellectual air was charged.

Its sign-posts had pointed onward. Reading to-day the troubled pages of its early story revealed in a mass of musty documents written by hands long since folded, or dictated by voices long since stilled, which then helped to shape its destiny, we wonder how it survived.