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Leave that to them who come down here from the good houses and look on us for a minute and enjoy themselves with a little weepin' and sighin' as if it was in the theater." "It seems worse every, day," she said. "I try to fool myself, because I've got to stay and " "Oh, no, you haven't," interrupted he. Susan looked at him with a startled expression.

He put in all the fine points, even to the way he came to have a chance at the safe. "If I could only put them back!" says he, sighin'. "What then?" says I. "Next time I s'pose you'd swipe the whole series, wouldn't you?" If you could have heard him tell how good he'd be you'd think practicin' a little crooked work now and then was the only sure way to learn how to keep straight.

So saying, he ushered me into a small room behind the shop where he proceeded to whisk forth a bewildering array of garments for my inspection, until table and chairs were piled high and myself dazed with their infinite variety. "B' James!" cried the little man, blinking, "I'll turn ye out as nobby a little spark as ever cocked a neye at a sighin' young fe-male.

So we met to do him honor; worshipper and eager fawner begged a tassel of his whiskers, or his autograph in ink; never was there so much sighin' round a pallid human lion, as he stood his lines explaining, taking out the hitch and kink! All were in a joyous flutter, till we heard some fellow mutter: "Here comes Griggs, the southpaw pitcher, fairly burdened with his fame!

"Don't know, yer honour. You and he's got your peepers fixed in the same place, and scuse me; but if you give 'im a chance, he'll beat yer. He'd charm a serpiant vith thews peepers o' hisn." "Aren't you afraid yourself, then?" "He can't hurt me, for I'm too tough, and I'm noan sighin' for anybody, I ain't; and I hain't a got a good-lookin' jib, and "

"Old Un, for heaven's sake, shut up! D' you think I'm blind? D' you think " "Guv, I dunno wot t' think! 'Ere 's you with your 'ead in your 'ands, an' there's 'er sighin' an' sighin' " "Sighing? Where? When? Why " "Sighin' an' sighin', Guv, so soft an' pretty I 'eard 'er! Also she wep' I seen 'er." "Where?"

"An' 'er tears, Guv, them pearly tears went t' my 'eart an' nobody t' put a arm round that waist, nor kiss them sweet lips, nor soothe them tears away "'Oh, alone she sat sighin' by a green willer tree, With 'er 'and on 'er bosom, 'er 'ead on 'er knee, Weepin' willer" willer, willer my garlan' shall be. "So, Guv, I ax you, man to man, why, oh, why are ye neglectin' your fair young spouse?

"Well then, you are settin' up with her. You've invited her to be your lady at the next spellin' bee between Six Stars and Turkey Walley, and she has said she'll think about it. Then you've told her that there is something wrong with you. You don't know what it is, 'ceptin' you feel all peekit like for no special reason; you can't eat no more, and sleep poorly and has sighin' spells.

"That will sound nice, won't it?" "Oh, blow the neighbors!" says Garvey. "I'm going to do as I please from now on; and it pleases me to do this." "Then we might as well nail up the front door and eat in the kitchen, like we used to," says she, sighin'. But it don't work out that way for them.

I says to her frank an' open I says, 'Good gracious, Jerusha, I hope you ain't lookin' to see me pleased at seein' as it's you. But laws, you could n't smash Jerusha Dodd not if you was a elephant an' she was his sat-down-upon fly, so I had her sittin' in the kitchen an' sighin' in less'n no time. She was full of her woes an' the country's woes as usual.