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"Monseigneur," said Balmile, "je n'ai pas la prétention de m'affubler d'un titre que la mauvaise fortune de mon roi ne me permet pas de porter comme il sied. A few more ceremonies, and these three, sitting down together to the table, called for wine. It was the happiness of Marie-Madeleine to wait unobserved upon the prince of her desires.

'A propos', are you in love with Madame de Berkenrode still, or has some other taken her place in your affections? I take it for granted, that 'qua to cumque domat Venus, non erubescendis adurit ignibus. Un arrangement honnete sied bien a un galant homme'. In that case I recommend to you the utmost discretion, and the profoundest silence.

Ne soufflez point sur les viandes; mais si elles sont chaudes, attendez qu'elles se refroidissent: le potage se pourra refroidir, le remuant modestement auec la cuilliere, mais il ne sied pas bien de humer son potage en table, il le faut prendre auec la cuilliere.

'A propos', are you in love with Madame de Berkenrode still, or has some other taken her place in your affections? I take it for granted, that 'qua to cumque domat Venus, non erubescendis adurit ignibus. Un arrangement honnete sied bien a un galant homme'. In that case I recommend to you the utmost discretion, and the profoundest silence.

On the other hand, people are now picking up heart to say that 'they cannot read Dickens, and that they particularly detest 'Pickwick. I believe it was young ladies who first had the courage of their convictions in this respect. 'Tout sied aux belles, and the fair, in the confidence of youth, often venture on remarkable confessions.

My indifference or harshness served equally to increase the evil I desired to check. "Que le dedain lui sied bien!" I once overheard her say to her mother: "il est beau comme Apollon quand il sourit de son air hautain." And the jolly old dame laughed, and said she thought her daughter was bewitched, for I had no point of a handsome man about me, except being straight and without deformity.

'Monseigneur, said Balmile, 'je n'ai pas la pretention de m'affubler d'un titre que la mauvaise fortune de mon roi ne me permet pas de porter comma il sied. A few more ceremonies, and these three, sitting down together to the table, called for wine. It was the happiness of Marie- Madeleine to wait unobserved upon the prince of her desires.

Oh, the misery of trying on a new mode for the first time, and before a stranger! The eye accustomed to see the face to which it appertains enveloped in a chapeau more or less large or small, is shocked at the first attempt to wear one of a different size; and turns from the contemplation of the image presented in the glass with any thing but self-complacency, listening incredulously to the flattering encomiums of the not disinterested marchand de modes, who avers that "Ce chapeau sied parfaitement

...Que s'est-il donc passé? Quel est cet équipage? J'arrive, et je vous trouve en veste, comme un page, Dehors, bras nus, nu-tête, et si petit garçon Que vous avez en main l'auge et le caveçon, Et faisant ce qu'il sied aux écuyers de faire, Cheick, dit le Cid, je suis maintenant chez mon père. Those who never saw Guynemer at his father's at Compiègne cannot know him well.