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"Oh, I am sure he will help you! He has never yet failed to accomplish anything he has undertaken!" An hour later saw Tom Ostrello on his way to Sidham. His face was careworn and he looked to be ten years older than he had a week before. He was in a thoughtful mood and scarcely looked out of the car window as the train rushed onward to its destination.

"Was any of it sold or used in the vicinity of Sidham?" "No, but " The young commercial traveler stopped short. "I think But no, it can't be. And yet " "What, Tom?" she asked eagerly. He shook his head. "What's the use? It would only drag me into the mud deeper. I really can't see what's to do," he went on with something of anguish in his tones.

"Have you learned anything unusual?" "Not much. He has been around arranging his business affairs and he met Miss Bernard and the two had a confidential talk, but I couldn't get close enough to hear what was said. After that he came out to Sidham and there met a man named Matlock Styles." "Go on." "The two had a long talk, and Ostrello seemed to be angry about something.

"But he shall not get away again! I'll guard him myself until Number Four finishes him!" On the following evening, at exactly seven o'clock, an old man came to the depot at Sidham and met the incoming train. He was rather feeble in his movements and hobbled rather than walked to meet a man who came in with a portfolio under his arm. "Excuse me, but is this Mr.

"It is not necessary, since I have a good memory." "The Langmores lived just on the outskirts of the town, on the road leading to Sidham, which is several miles distance." "I have a general idea of the location." "The house is a fine, old-fashioned stone mansion, setting well back from the road, and surrounded by a well-kept lawn and numerous trees and bushes.

"You will make a clean and clear statement?" "Yes." "Clearing up the murder mystery?" "Yes." As soon as Adam Adams returned to Sidham he communicated with the chief of police, and with several other persons, and also sent two telegrams to New York. He tried to find Charles Vapp, but could not locate his assistant.

"How did you learn all that?" cried the young commercial traveler in astonishment. "Never mind. In coming away you slipped and fell, and your hat dropped off." Tom Ostrello nodded. "I understand that somebody must have noticed me after all. I came in by the back way because I missed the train for Sidham, and took that which stops only at Chester.

There were two callers who took an hour of the detective's time, and then he prepared to return to Sidham, to learn if possible more concerning Tom Ostrello, and if anybody besides Cephas Carboy had seen him around that vicinity on the morning of the tragedy. "Letty, I may not be back to-night," he remarked, as he came out into the general office. "And it may be that I'll not be back to-morrow."

By nightfall all of the prisoners were either in the jail or at the hospital at Sidham. Some of the secret service authorities from New York had arrived, and to them Adam Adams turned over the case, so far as it related to the counterfeiters. "I did not start out to round up such a gang," he said, in speaking of the affair to Mr. Breslow, some days later.

In the easiest possible manner he had allowed himself to be outwitted and exposed. Could the Englishman be honest in what he said, or was he playing a deep game? That was a question which could not as yet be answered. If the fellow was honest he was most likely now getting ready to take his prisoner to the Sidham lockup. The absurdity of such a move compelled Adam Adams to smile bitterly.