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He is joined with Soma in the secondary oblation of clarified butter and is also called Rathaprabhu, Rathadhwana and Kumbhareta. He begot a son named Siddhi by his wife Sarayu, and enveloped the sun with his splendour and from being the presiding genius of the fire sacrifice he is ever mentioned in the hymns in praise of fire.

And the two goddesses Siddhi and Dhriti became the mothers of those five, and were called Kunti and Madri. "Thus, O king, have I recited to thee all about the incarnation, according to their respective portions, of the gods, the Asuras, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and of the Rakshasas.

The object of it is Siddhi or success, the highest form of which is spiritual perfection. Siddhi is produced by Sâdhana, or that method of training the physical and psychic faculties which realizes their potentialities.

He begot a son named Siddhi by his wife Sarayu, and enveloped the sun with his splendour and from being the presiding genius of the fire sacrifice he is ever mentioned in the hymns in praise of fire. And the fire Nischyavana praises the earth only; he never suffers in reputation, splendour and prosperity. The sinless fire Satya blazing with pure flame is his son.

Erotic experiences are connected very easily with them because, going over into the regressive phase, they show theirtitaniccountenances. I have with some daring, but not without right, just cited the Siddhi as the anagogic equivalent of autoerotism. The regressive phase, however, appears as soon as one indulges in the gratification of the Siddhi. They can be both divine and diabolic.

Killing of the old Adam. 2. Desire for the mother Introversion. Incest. Love towards an Ideal. 4. Auto-erotism. Siddhi. 5. Copulation with the mother. Spiritual regeneration. 6. Improvement. Re-creation. 7. Death wish. Attainment of the ideal.

Wending through the firmament, O goddess, thou impartest thy waters to the clouds! All the waters are thee! Through thee we exercise our thinking faculties! Thou art Pushti and Dyuti, Kirti, and Siddhi and Uma! Thou art Speech, and thou art Svaha! This whole universe is dependent on thee!

And the two goddesses Siddhi and Dhriti became the mothers of those five, and were called Kunti and Madri. "Thus, O king, have I recited to thee all about the incarnation, according to their respective portions, of the gods, the Asuras, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and of the Rakshasas.

After we have sought the mother through introversion we must escape from her, enriched by the treasure which we have gotten. The symbol of the libido is generally a sun symbol. The birds, from which we are to protect the grain, may in the end be the Siddhi; they are, in the introversion form of the religious work, what would otherwise be merelydiversionsordissipations.”

The deity was summoned by the rites already described and the object of the performer was to obtain magical powers or siddhi. The successful sorcerer was known as siddha, and we hear of 84 mahâsiddhas, still celebrated in Tibet, who extend from Rahulabhadra Nâgârjuna to the thirteenth century. Many of them bear names which appear not to be Indian.