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"He was a dealer, miss," went on Patsey; "a Dublin fella'. Sixty-three sovereigns I asked him, and he offered me fifty-five, and a man that was there said we should shplit the differ, and in the latther end he gave me the sixty pounds. He wasn't very stiff at all. I'm thinking he wasn't buying for himself." The man who had noticed Fanny Fitz's eyes moved away unostentatiously.

Thin shplit, an' hug th' line west, yu', Yorkey as far as Coalmore yu', Ridmond back tu Cow Run. Yez know fwhat tu du. Pass up nothin' culverts, bridges, section-huts anywhere's th' shtiff may be hidin'. If yez du not dhrop onto um betune thim tu places shtay fwhere yez are an' search all freights. 'Phone th' agent at Davidsburg if yez want tu get me. I'm away from there now to wire east an' west.

"'Twas ringin' in my ears still whin I felt in the bones of me that Dinah was comin', an' I heard a shout, an' thin I saw a horse an' a tattoo latherin' down the road, hell to shplit, under women. I knew I knew! Wan was the Tyrone Colonel's wife ould Beeker's lady her gray hair flyin' an' her fat round carkiss rowlin' in the saddle, an' the other was Dinah, that shud ha' been at Pindi.

"It's high time, in me own belafe, for her husband to come ashkin' and inquirin' her close all in a hape on the floor upstairs, with her bath-dress gone from the nails, and the front door swingin', me never findin' of it out till it cooms tay-time, with all the children cryin' on me, and me head shplit with the noise, and " Dr. Sharpe strode in a bewildered way to the front door.