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"You must have looked quite pretty when you was short-coated!" said the old lady, irrelevantly. "Have some wine? the cake is too rich for you, but you may have just a crumb." "You must have been the wickedest thing alive when you were eighteen!" said Geoffrey, pouring out the amber sherry into a wonderful gilt glass. "I wish Direxia would stay in the room and matronise me; I'm afraid, I tell you."

The streets were full of people who had worked indoors all through the priceless day and had now come hungrily out to drink the muddy lees of it. They stood in long black lines, waiting before the pit entrances of the theatres short-coated boys, and girls in sailor hats, all shivering and chatting gayly.

"Violet, how can you?" sobbed her mother. "To accuse me of withholding my affection from you, when I have taken such pains with you from your very cradle! I am sure your frocks, from the day you were short-coated, were my constant care; and when you grew a big, lanky girl, who would have looked odious in commonplace clothes, it was my delight to invent picturesque and becoming costumes for you.

It has sometimes been found to be a sort of lamp shining through the haze of the early memory. Registration, owing to the non-participation of the infant, is useless in that way." "Nan might remember how she kicked me when I short-coated her," Mrs. Hilary mused, hopefully. Mr. Cradock flowed on. Mrs. Hilary, listened, assented, was impressed.

It is beautiful hair, and Mrs Gallagher the laundress was saying to me this morning there wasn't its match in the country. And Esmeralda said afterwards that she was too cold for compliments, so she up and said it was her own hair, and she'd brush it when she liked, and how she liked, without interference from anyone; and at that they grew mad, and began quarrelling with each other, and throwing up everything that ever they did since they were short-coated, and meself lying trembling on me bed, to think what would happen next.

The general outline should suggest great power and capability of endurance. COAT In the long-coated variety the coat should be dense and flat; rather fuller round the neck; the thighs feathered but not too heavily. In the short-coated variety, the coat should be dense, hard, flat, and short, slightly feathered on thighs and tail.

The teeth should be level, and should on no account be undershot. The hair on the head and face should be smooth and short-coated. The nose should be black in white, orange and sable dogs; but in other colours may be self, but never parti-colour or white.

He had been "short-coated" that month, and his thighs, crushed and delicately creased, showed rose red against the white rose of Mary's arm. Rowcliffe smiled. "Why?" he said. "Do you want to get rid of him?" As if unconsciously she pressed the child closer to her. As if unconsciously she held his head against her breast.

"Oh, dear, you are democratic, Professor!" cried Lady Engleton. "No; I am merely trying to be just." "To be just you must apply your theory to men and women, as well as to class and class," Valeria suggested. "Mon Dieu! but so I do; so I always have done, as soon as I was intellectually short-coated."

I've been used to going my own way ever since I was short-coated, and it wasn't hankering to be put back into leading-strings that brought me across the ocean. Poppar trusts me, and that's enough for me. You've got a right to boss your own home, but where I'm concerned your authority don't spread one inch beyond the gate.