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From father to son, for above a hundred years, they followed the sea; a gray-headed shipmaster, in each generation, retiring from the quarter-deck to the homestead, while a boy of fourteen took the hereditary place before the mast, confronting the salt spray and the gale, which had blustered against his sire and grandsire.

It must require many generations of better life to wake the soul in them. All America could not show the like. August 22d. A Captain Auld, an American, having died here yesterday, I went with my clerk and an American shipmaster to take the inventory of his effects.

William Ammidon choked on his anger, and his wife laid a gloved hand on his arm. "You must make up your mind to it," she told him. "It can't hurt anyone. She is Gerrit's wife, you see." Above, the shipmaster said to Taou Yuen: "We are going to church with the family." He surveyed her clothes with a faint glimmer of amusement. She had, he saw, made herself especially resplendent as a Manchu.

In a manner the course before him was plain married to Taou Yuen, shipmaster in his family's firm, he had simple duties to perform, no part of which included sailing in strange or dangerous waters; yet though this was beyond argument he was still troubled by a great number of unpleasant conditions of mind and obscure pressures.

The fourth, Daniel, "bold Hathorne" of the Revolutionary ballad, was a privateersman, robust, ruddy of face, blue-eyed, quick to wrath, a strong-featured type of the old Salem shipmaster.

The fact that all coast lights thus far were extinguished was enough to convince the Sacramento's voyagers that they were still unwelcome to the natives, but both the shipmaster and the cavalry officer commanding had counted on finding cruiser, or despatch boat at least, on lookout for them and ready to conduct them to safe anchorage.

Pennant was somewhat afraid his northern dialect would betray him, for he was not a highly educated man, though he was exceedingly well informed in all matters pertaining to the duties of a shipmaster. "Stand! Who comes there?" said the sentinel. "Friends," replied the lieutenant. "Advance, friends, and give the countersign!" "We have no countersign to give." "Who are you?" demanded the soldier.

"You will have to be on board this afternoon," the owner said. "The shipmaster will not waste a tide, but as soon as it turns will up anchor and make his way down the river in the dark. He knows the channel well, and there will be light enough to enable him to hold on his course all night.

Blood recognized him for the young shipmaster, Jeremiah Pitt, the nephew of the maiden ladies opposite, one who had been drawn by the general enthusiasm into the vortex of that rebellion. The street was rousing, awakened by the sailor's noisy advent; doors were opening, and lattices were being unlatched for the protrusion of anxious, inquisitive heads. "Take your time, now," said Mr. Blood.

In the dim flicker he could just recognize the burly shipmaster Hasdrubal and gigantic Hib, the Libyangovernor,” whose ebon face betrayed itself even there. “We have expected you, kyrie,” said Hiram, who was one of the group. “Thanks be to Hermes and to you all. I have told my guide already I will be grateful. Where is he?” “In the kitchen behind, your Lordship. We were singularly favoured.