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But John Christie's house looked out upon the river, and had the advantage, therefore, of free air, impregnated, however, with the odoriferous fumes of the articles in which the ship-chandler dealt, with the odour of pitch, and the natural scent of the ooze and sludge left by the reflux of the tide.

Facing them in his doorway lounged the town barber, under his striped pole and sign-board "Simeon Toy, Hairdresser," with the s's still twiddling the wrong way; and beyond, outside the corner-shop, Mr Rogers, ship-broker and ship-chandler half paralytic but cunning yet, sat hunched in his invalid chair, blinking; for all the world like a wicked old spider on the watch for flies. "Ahoy, there!"

But there was no end o' go in him. He had an uncle in Sydney, middlin' rich, a ship-chandler, an' this" "What's a ship-chandler?" demanded Mosey. "A man that supplies candles to ships," I replied.

'And they are gone: aye, ages long ago These lovers fled away into the storm. That seventh-story heaven once more leads a dull life as the office of a ship-chandler, and harsh voices grate the air where Beauty sang. The books and the flowers and the lovers' faces are gone for ever.

After ascertaining from his companion that she could form no better plan of her own, he recommended to her to take up her lodging for the time, at the house of his old landlord, Christie the ship-chandler, at Paul's Wharf, describing the decency and honesty of that worthy couple, and expressing his hopes that they would receive her into their own house, or recommend her at least to that of some person for whom they would be responsible, until she should have time to enter upon other arrangements for herself.

"We was talkin' business," said the ship-chandler pointedly. "Then you might ha' waited for a better occasion," Mr Toy retorted. "Twasn' mannerly of ye, to say the least." "Better be unmannerly than troublesome, I've heard." "Better be both than unfeelin'. What! Leave Cap'n Cai, here, pass my door, an' never a home-comin' word?"

There was a clump of wide beech-trees at that place, with a fine shade and a place to lay their clothes while they swam about, splashing with their naked white bodies in the water. At these times Master Barnaby would bawl as lustily and laugh as loud as though his grandfather had been the most honest ship-chandler in the town, instead of a bloody-handed pirate who had been murdered in his sins.

He had been pacing the deck distractedly for hours awaiting my arrival. Just before sunset a lighter loaded with potatoes had come alongside with that fat ship-chandler himself sitting on the pile of sacks. He was now stuck immovable in the cabin. What was the meaning of it all? Surely I did not "Yes, Mr. Burns, I did," I cut him short.

A blind-cord creaked, a window went up over a ship-chandler's shop next door, and a man thrust out his head. "What's wrong?" he demanded. "Sorry to disturb ye, Clemow; but old Rodriguez, here, bespoke us to sweep his chimneys at five, and we can't get admittance." "Why, I heard him unbolt for ye an hour ago!" said the ship-chandler. "He woke me up with his noise, letting down the chain."

It seemed as if he couldn't speak for two or three seconds; then his words came thick. "It wasn't my fault, Mr. Torkeldsen. I swear it wasn't my fault!" That was all; and he dropped over the side, leaving me to wonder what he meant. The captain and I stayed on board, and the ship-chandler got a West India boy to cook for us.