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Of the fact that Umbrellas' were known and used in Italy long prior to their introduction into France, we find a confirmation in old Montaigne, who observes, lib. iii. cap. ix. : "Les Ombrelles, de quoy depuis les anciens Remains l'Italie se sert, chargent plus le bras, qu'ils ne deschargent la teste."

Ecrivez-moi quelquefois, je vous prie, et croyez-moi affectueusement tout a vous, P.S. C'est ma fille Henriette qui me sert de secretaire pour ma correspondance comme pour mon histoire. Je n'en retrouverais nulle part un pareil. This letter, written by Mme. Guizot de Witt, was the last Reeve received from his old friend, who died at Val Richer on September 12th, in his 87th year.

«On observe, en suivent cette rivière que lorsque les montagnes courent parallèlement, les angles faillans qu'elles forment correspondent aux angles rentrans; cette règle générale sert

The site of Tigranocerta is not certain. There appears to be no reason for identifying it with Sert except the resemblance of name. St. Martin contends that Amida on the east bank of the Tigris, occupied the site of Tigranocerta. The modern Diyarbeker is on the west bank of the Tigris opposite to Amida. The day was the 6th of October, and the year B.C. 69.

Sr Yr Sert WILL LOCHS. Mr. Lockes Letter Recd from the Governor 13 Jane & acquainted ye Council with it but could not obtaine any thing to be sent in answer thereto. 13 June 1676. I have given some idea of the chief remedies used by our earlier physicians, which were both Galenic and chemical; that is, vegetable and mineral.

"Mais a quoi bon! Ca ne sert rien! Dieu pent exister sans votre croyance, Monsieur! je vous jure!" And he laughed a hearty laugh that was infectious and carried the laughter of everyone else with it. Longford, irritated, turned to his next neighbour with some trite observation, and allowed the discussion to drop.

La meme fermete qui sert a resister a l'amour sert aussi a le rendre violent et durable. It is only in war that the unexpected admittedly happens. In love and other domestic calamities there is always a relative who knew it all the time. The news that Napoleon was in Vilna, hastily evacuated by the Russians in full retreat, came as a surprise and not to all as a pleasant one, in Dantzig.

This left still the larger part of the entire road in possession of the Turks, and especially that part from which another road branched off to Erzingan. In the Mush and Bitlis region the Russians had made satisfactory progress in the meantime. On April 19, 1916, progress was reported to the south of Bitlis toward Sert, although the Turks fought hard to hold up this advance toward Diarbekr.

Avarice is satirized by the story of one of these Glonglims, who is occupied in making nails, and then dropping them into a well refusing to exchange them for bread or clothes, notwithstanding his starved, haggard appearance, and evident desire for the food proffered: "Mettant toute sa gloire et son souverain bien A grossir un tresor qui ne lui sert de rien."

Que te sert d'empiler sur des planches d'armoires, Du velours, du damas, du satin, de la moire, D'avoir des bonnets d'or et d'emplir des tiroirs Des chapes qu'on dirait couvertes de miroirs?