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Engineer Serko has been prospecting with a view to piercing the proposed passage through the wall, in such a way that its existence will never be dreamed of outside. After a minute examination he decided to tunnel through the northern end of the cavern about sixty feet from the first cells of the Beehive.

"Possibly, yet whether he likes it or not, Count d'Artigas will have to see me and listen to me." "Maybe it would be difficult, and even impossible to get him to do so," says Engineer Serko with a smile. "Why so?" "Because there is no such person as Count d'Artigas here." "You are jesting, I presume; I have just seen him." "It was not the Count d'Artigas whom you saw, Mr. Gaydon."

Never! I have friends here who will protect me. They are powerful, they are rich. The Count d'Artigas is my backer and Engineer Serko is my partner. We are going to exploit my invention! We are going to make my fulgurator! Hence! Get you gone!" Thomas Roch is in a perfect fury.

"They did not utter a word!" "Have you no idea as to their nationality?" "Not the remotest." Do you know what were their intentions in entering the cavern?" "I do not." "What is your opinion about it?" "My opinion, Mr. Serko?

At ten o'clock last night, as I anticipated, the tug went under and out, just in time to meet the Ebba and tow her through the channel to her creek, after which she returned with Ker Karraje and the others. When I look out this morning, I see Thomas Roch and Engineer Serko walking down to the lagoon, and talking. What they are talking about I can easily guess.

During the morning the men began to pierce the passage through the wall of the cavern at the spot fixed upon by Engineer Serko, who superintended the work in person. The work began at the base, where the rock is as hard as granite.

"Friend, what is your name?" asked Michael. "My name is Nicholas Pigassof." "It is a name that I will never forget," said Michael. "Well, jump up, little blind father. Your sister will be beside you, in the bottom of the cart; I sit in front to drive. There is plenty of good birch bark and straw in the bottom; it's like a nest. Serko, make room!" The dog jumped down without more telling.

He has a fixed idea, that of vengeance, which has been skilfully worked upon by Engineer Serko, and in which his hatred is concentrated to the exclusion of everything else. "The bandits," he hisses, "are those who spurned me without a hearing, who heaped injustice and ignominy upon me, who drove me from country to country, whereas I offered them superiority, invincibleness, omnipotence!"

I am still so weak that I could not walk a step. A little more and I should have been asphyxiated in that narrow compartment of the Sword at the bottom of the lagoon. Am I in condition to reply to the questions that Engineer Serko is dying to put to me? Yes but I shall maintain the utmost reserve. In the first place I wonder what has become of Lieutenant Davon and the crew of the Sword.

It was answered by other reports from the guns on the chain of islands along the coast. At this moment the Count d'Artigas and Engineer Serko appeared on deck. Captain Spade went to meet them. "Guns barking," he said laconically. "We expected it," replied Serko, shrugging his shoulders. "They are signals to close the passes." "What has that to do with us?" asked the Count d'Artigas quietly.