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In spite of the comprehensive meaning which Descartes gives to the notion cogitatio, it is yet too narrow to leave room for an anima vegetativa and an anima sensitiva. Whoever makes mind and soul equivalent, holds that their essence consists in conscious activity alone, and interprets sensation as a mode of thought, cannot escape the paradox of denying to animals the possession of a soul.

If the fever be attended with a strong pulse, as in pleurisy, or rheumatism, it is termed synocha sensitiva, or sensitive fever with strong pulse; which is usually termed inflammatory fever. If it be attended with weak pulse, it is termed typhus sensitivus, or sensitive fever with weak pulse, or typhus gravior, or putrid malignant fever.

The animal has the anima sensitiva which the plant lacks, and man transcends the animal through the gift of the anima intellectiva, which, as Aristotle testifies, differs from the sensitiva. Some maintain that man and the animals must be alike in nature and spirit, because it is possible for man to catch certain diseases from animals.

After proceeding some six miles along the gradually ascending path, I came to a considerable stream, cutting its way through stratified gravel, with cliffs on each side fifteen to twenty feet high, here and there covered with ferns, the little Oxalis sensitiva, and other herbs.

The synocha sensitiva, or sensitive fever with strong pulse, is generally attended with some topical inflammation, as in peripneumony, hepatitis, and is accompanied with much coagulable lymph, or size; which rises to the surface of the blood, when taken into a bason, as it cools; and which is believed to be the increased mucous secretion from the coats of the arteries, inspissated by a greater absorption of its aqueous and saline part, and perhaps changed by its delay in the circulation.

Milden," he went on, "has the smile of La Gioconda, and hands and hair for Leonardo to paint. Lady Gloucester," he continued, leaving out the Christian name, "is English, like one of Shakespeare's women, Desdemona or Imogen; and Lady Irene has no nationality, she belongs to the dream worlds of Shelley and D'Annunzio: she is the guardian Lady of Shelley's 'Sensitiva, the vision of the lily.

These sensitive fevers, like the irritative ones, resolve themselves into those with arterial strength, and those with arterial debility, that is with excess or defect of sensorial power; these may be termed the febris sensitiva pulsu forti, sensitive fever with strong pulse, which is the synocha, or inflammatory fever; and the febris sensitiva pulsu debili, sensitive fever with weak pulse, which is the typhus gravior, or putrid fever of some writers.

Besides the febrile motions occasioned by irritation, described in Sect. XXXII. and termed irritative fever, it frequently happens that pain is excited by the violence of the fibrous contractions; and other new motions are then superadded, in consequence of sensation, which we shall term febris sensitiva, or sensitive fever.