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His long lithe arms gathered her forcefully to him, and her irritation at his strength was lost in her admiration of his grace and skill in imparting affection. From The Butterfly Centerpiece: The Mack Sennett party at the home of Dr. Bill Petticoat was a hundred per cent success. Little Lady Petticoat is nobody's fool. She knows that a lucky punch is her only chance.

Old friends meeting casually after many years' lapse greeted each other with "What's the latest on the grass?" Radiocomedians fired gagmen with weeks of service behind them for failure to provide botanical quips, or, conversely, hired raw writers who had inhabited the fringes of Hollywood since Mack Sennett days on the strength of a single agrostological illusion.

"I am wholly in your hands," smiled Miss Bentley. After Dick had conducted Laura to a seat beside her mother he stepped away to find Sennett, of the yearling class. "Sennett," murmured Dick banteringly, "I have seen you casting eyes at Miss Bentley." "I fear I must plead my guilt, old ramrod. Are you going to present me?" "For the next dance.

Blake himself had made the path easy to them. There was little need for either fear or caution. Indeed, their safest course lay in recklessness, and they took it. To Sennett the house was always open. It was Blake himself who, when unable to accompany his wife, would suggest Sennett as a substitute. Club friends shrugged their shoulders.

Her cherries bobbing, two long-stemmed ones held between her teeth, she flew around like a hen with its head off. "You see," she explained, "it's a Mack Sennett party, everybody puts things down everybody's back. Like this and here are the things."

He felt no more embarrassment at meeting them than, standing on the pavement outside the Stock Exchange, he would have experienced greeting his brother jobbers after a settling day that had transferred a fortune from their hands into his. Sennett, in particular, he liked and encouraged.

They found Carter, whose watch on deck it was, reprimanding the lookout. "No, sir," the man was insisting, "she didn't show no light, sir. I'd 'a' sighted her an hour ago, sir, if she had." "We shall see," said Carter grimly. "Who's your relief?" "Sennett." "Let him take your place. Go aloft, Sennett."

It is the real gang we've got cornered. Do you know just who they are?" "Those I saw were Hobart, 'Red' Hogan, the girl, a big fellow they called Mark who was on the yacht " "Mark Sennett; he's Hogan's side-kick, and tough as they make 'em." "And a wiry little black-haired devil by the name of Dave."

It was carried by a vote of 94 ayes to 25 noes and the announcement received with cheers and laughter. Sennett Conner of Covington county was the Speaker of the House whose ruling permitted this unparliamentary action. Sent to the Senate the Winter Resolution of Rejection was referred to the Committee on Constitution, of which Senator Minor was chairman.

At times he recited a translation of an Arabian song or remarked in passing, on some mournful ballad, refined as a Sennett, deep as the infinite, in which the eternal words of love, tender and affecting in all languages, assumed an intensely poetic character under the influence of their Semitic nature; songs in which passers-by, strangers, lovers dead for centuries, who had strewed, as it were, their joys and their sobs over the sands of the desert, told the color of the hair and of the eyes of their dear ones, pleaded with their betrothed dead for the alms of love, and promised to spectres of women rose-colored garments and flowers that time would never wither.