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And therefore seith the wyse man, `If thou wolt venquisse thyn enemy, lerne to suffre." CHAUCER, Parson's Tale. "You have killed him." I lowered Nat's head, stood up and accused her fiercely. She confronted me, contemptuous yet pale. Even in my wrath I could see that her pallor had nothing to do with fear. "Say that I have, what then?"

We may note that the strong old English word "againrising" had not then been displaced by the Latin "resurrection." "Jhesu seith to hir, I am agenrisyng and lyf; he that bileueth in me, he, if he schal be deed, schall lyue." Piers Plowman. Later in the century two other versions, known as texts "B" and "C" appeared. Authorities differ in regard to whether these are the work of the same man.

The seson priketh every gentil herte, And maketh him out of his sleep to sterte, And seith, 'Arise and do thin observance'. This maked Emelye have remembraunce To don honour to May, and for to rise. I-clothed was she fressh for to devise, Hir yelowe heer was broyded in a tresse, Behinde hir bak, a yerde long I gesse; And in the gardyn at the sunne upriste She walketh up and doun, and as hir liste

Once they came across a man hiding in a grave a thief; he had stolen 1,100 rupees from Dhunroj Seith of Parowtee. They strangled him and took the money. They had no patience with thieves. They killed two treasure-bearers, and got 4,000 rupees. They came across two bullocks "laden with copper pice," and killed the four drivers and took the money. There must have been half a ton of it.

Once they came across a man hiding in a grave a thief; he had stolen 1,100 rupees from Dhunroj Seith of Parowtee. They strangled him and took the money. They had no patience with thieves. They killed two treasure-bearers, and got 4,000 rupees. They came across two bullocks "laden with copper pice," and killed the four drivers and took the money. There must have been half a ton of it.