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The whole case with its singular incidents is worthy of careful study. Some of the testimony is given here. EDWARD JESOP The roast pig "The place of Scripture" The bewitched "cannoe" The old cart horse Optical illusions "Fairfield Septembr 15th 1692. "Sworn in Court Septr 15 1692. Attests John Allyn, Secry." JOHN BARLOW Mesmeric influence Light and darkness The falling out

Exhibited in court Oct. 29, 1668. Attests John Allyn, Secry. RICHARD MOUNTAGUE Over the great river to Nabuck The mystery of the swarming bees

"Stamford 29th August 1692 this aboue written testor is redy when called to giue oath to ye aboue written testimony. "Hannah Knapp testifieth the same to the above written and further adeth that shee saw scraches upon her; and is redy to give oth to it if called to it. "Both the above sworn in Court Septr 15 1692. Attests John Allyn, Secry." SAMUEL HOLLY Singular physiological transformations

"The aboue testimony of Daniell Wesocott now read to the wife of sayd Daniell Shee testifys to the whole verbatum & hath now giuen oath to the same before us in Standford, Septembr 12th 1692. "JONATN SELLECK Comissr "JONOTHAN BELL Commissionr. "Sworn in Court Septr 15 1692 "As attests John Allyn Secry." ABIGAIL WESCOT Throwing stones Railing Twitting of "fine cloths"

JOHN BURRIL Speaker In Council June 7. 1711, Read and Concurr'd. ISA: ADDINGTON, Secry. The committee, to whom was referred this subject, made a report during the next autumn; but no action in regard to it appears to have been taken by the General Court until two years later. By J.B. SEWALL.

"Sworn in Court Sept 15 1692. "Attests JOHN ALLYN Secry." Inquiry and search Visions of the young accuser The talking cat The spread table The strange woman "Silk hood and blew apron" "2 firebrands in her forehead" "A turn at heels ouer head" "Stamford May ye 27th, 1692.

"and as to marcy wee find on marcy foresayd on her secret parts growing within ye lep of ye same a los pees of skin and when puld it is near an Inch long somewhat in form of ye fingar of a glove flatted "that lose skin wee Judge more than common to women." "Octob. 29 1692 The above sworn by the above-named as attests "JOHN ALLYN Secry"

Duning being at prison discoursing with the prisoner now at the bar he heard her say if she were hanged she would not be hanged alone. He tould her she implicitly owned herself a witch." "Sworn in Court Sept. 15, atests John Allyn, Secry." THOMAS HALLIBERCH A poor creature "damd" Torment A lost soul Divination