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Rearing their crests, the sea-serpents crossed the shore, swift, shining, terrible as a risen water-flood that descends upon a helpless little town. Straight through the crowd they swept, and seized the priest Laocooen where he stood, with his two sons, and wrapped them all round and round in fearful coils. There was no chance of escape.

These amorphous creatures glided about in the seas, and vast sea-worms, or centipedal asps, the parents of modern krakens and sea-serpents, doubtless, accompanied them. There stood that unfinished world reeking with charcoal fumes, its soft, fungous, cryptogamic vegetation efflorescing with fierce luxuriance in that ghastly carbonic atmosphere.

We found no sea-serpents as we in other laks have seene, especially in that of d'Ontario and that of the stairing haires. There are some in that of the hurrons, but scarce, for the great cold in winter. They come not neere the upper lake. He tooke immediately his stony knife & with a pointed stick & cutts off the whole wound, being no other remedy for it.

There is a strange field of palms, and above and behind them the great rocks of the mountain coast, and then the sea-serpents of green water and white foam. You walk along the parade-ground of the Terrace where wealth and style show themselves to themselves, and then enter the gloomy portals of the gaming-halls, and you step at once into a new and very serious atmosphere.

"Beyond a doubt and fleas, and toads, and sea-serpents, and lizards, and water-devils we are all neither more nor less than animals." "Well, if a hog is an animal, I am willing to allow the relationship; for in the course of my experience, which is not small, I have met with men that you might have mistaken for hogs, in everything but the bristles, the snout, and the tail.

These serpents all inflict their poisonous wounds by means of two fangs, which they protrude from the mouth, and from the points of which they inject the poisonous matter into the wounds they inflict. On the lower shelves of this case the visitor will find some specimens of the Sea-Serpents, which frequent the East Indian seas, and the coast of New Holland.

"When I was a child I used to watch the ships, and make up all sorts of stories as to where they were going and the wonderful adventures they would meet with pirates and desert islands and shipwrecks and sea-serpents. I think I must have had a very vivid imagination. But my stories always ended up happily. After endless perils and hairbreadth escapes my vessels sailed home laden with treasure.

None the less for the boy's presence, unregardful of his growing horror and wild suspense, it continued its uncouth play leaping about the rocks, springing upwards and stretching high hands to pluck down the cliffs, seeming to laugh as it fell back shattered and exhausted, but unsubdued; charging up sometimes like a herd of white horses, bounding one over the other, shaking their foaming manes hissing sometimes like a brood of huge sea-serpents, as it insinuated it winding streams among the boulders of the shore.

Even Ole Bull, that Norwegian waif and celebrated violinist, wandered in there of a forenoon, and entertained the company with accounts of sea-serpents standing on their tails in front of water-falls, and other marvels only visible in Norway: supposing, I presume, that his hearers would believe anything that he told them. Mrs.

Crackers that's it. Do you think there'll be any snakes there?" "Not sea-serpents, Tom," I said laughing; "but up the country where we are going there are sure to be plenty of land-serpents." "Not big ones, though, Mas'r Harry?" "I should say there will be some very big ones in the swamps by the great rivers." "Think o' that now!" said Tom. "Big serpents! ugh! I can't abide eels even.