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Bedonebyasyoudid. Now, as soon as Tom had left Peacepool, he came to the white lap of the great sea-mother, ten thousand fathoms deep; where she makes world-pap all day long, for the steam-giants to knead, and the fire-giants to bake, till it has risen and hardened into mountain- loaves and island-cakes.

But sudden before me I saw the flash Of the sweet wide waters That wash my homeland And mirror the stars of home. Then sang I for joy, For I knew the Preserver, Thee, the Uniter, The great Sea-Mother. Soon will the sweet light come, And the salt winds and the tides Will bear me home. Far in the sunrise, Nestled in thy bosom, Lies my own green isle. Thither wilt thou bear me.

I will sing of thee, Great Sea-Mother, Whose white arms gather Thy sons in the ending: And draw them homeward From far sad marches Wild lands in the sunset, Bitter shores of the morning Soothe them and guide them By shining pathways Homeward to thee. All day I have striven in dark glens With parched throat and dim eyes, Where the red crags choke the stream And dank thickets hide the spear.

When the sacramentalist goes swimming in the sea he enjoys to the full the attendant physical exhilaration, but a greater joy flows from the thought that he is back with his great Sea-Mother that feminine principle of which the sea is the perfect symbol, since water brings all things to birth and nurtures them.

Conan Doyle probably sensed the situation when he wrote the stirring lines: "Who's that calling? The old sea-mother calls In her pride at the children that she bore 'Oh, noble hearts and true There is work for us to do, And we'll do it as we've done it oft before Under the flag, Under the flag our fathers bore."

Is it not the cursed bridge they use for boarding?" "So they grudge us even one," said Magro with a bitter laugh. "Not even one galley shall return to the old sea-mother. Well, for my part, I would as soon have it so. I am of a mind to stop the oars and await them." "It is a man's thought," answered old Gisco; "but the city will need us in the days to come.