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Before I became a ward orderly I had no idea of the remarkable properties of soda. A handful of soda in boiling water, and behold the grease dissolve meekly from the nastiest dinner-tin! It was miraculous. When a pitying scrub-lady first showed me the trick I thought that all my troubles were at an end. Soda made the ward-kitchen seem like heaven.

In four minutes he had told me all about the sink-room, and all about all the gear in the sink-room and all about a variety of rituals which need not here be dwelt on. Mappin the scrub-lady. A scrub-lady is attached to each ward; and most wards, it should in justice be added, are attached to their scrub-ladies. Certainly I was to find that Ward W was attached to Mrs. Mappin. Mrs.

"I've saved your lives, anyway," declared Archie cheerfully, when their derision had spent itself. "And I'm going to again. I hired a lovely scrub-lady to come to-morrow and make this spot look shipshape " "O, Archie!" cried the girls, "you beautiful boy!" "Don't interrupt," said the beautiful boy sternly. "I am going to vindicate myself.

This was when our scrub-lady was ill or had "got the sack" and it fell to me, the orderly, to do the washing-up single-handed. Those patients who were well enough to be on their feet were supposed to help. Sometimes I was blessed by the presence of a patient with a passion for cleaning things. When there were no dishes to clean he would clean taps.

"Oh, Bertram!" "It'll be 'Oh, Bertram! then, dear, if it isn't a success," he sighed. "I don't believe you realize yet what that thing is going to mean for me." "Well, I should think I might," retorted Billy, a little tremulously, "after all I've heard about it. I should think everybody knew you were doing it, Bertram. Actually, I'm not sure Marie's scrub-lady won't ask me some day how Mr.

I've done it days and days, and it's gone beautifully even if they did say I couldn't!" "Couldn't what?" "Be an e-efficient housekeeper." "Who said you couldn't?" "Aunt Hannah and K-Kate." Bertram said a savage word under his breath. "Holy smoke, Billy! I didn't marry you for a cook or a scrub-lady.