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Graham, a Scotswoman, celebrated in New York city for her benevolence and charity, founded a Sunday School in New York for young women in 1792. The movement however languished for some years until her daughter, Mrs. Bethune, also born in Scotland, organized the Female Sabbath School Union of New York in 1816. By her work in this connection Mrs.

"I beg your pardon, ma'am; but I don't think missis would like any body to know, and therefore I'd rather not tell you." Now the honest Scotswoman, as she said, hated any thing underhand, but she respected the right of every human being to maintain silence if necessary. She looked sharply in Elizabeth's face, which apparently re-assured her, for she said, not unkindly,

"I am sorry that ye are so unfortunate in your veesits. But I know he'll be no more than a few minutes." The girl addressed was of a type fully to account for the misgivings of the shrewd old Scotswoman. She had the slim beauty of the East allied to the elegance of the West. Her features, whilst cast in a charming European mould, at the same time suggested in some subtle way the Oriental.

"If they fight, we shall be obliged to fight," I said, not liking to ask her about Northern courage; and, indeed, she was a Scotswoman, and what should she know? "Ay, just that," she replied; "and fighting between the two parts of one land is even the worst fighting there can be. Pray it may not come, Daisy; but those people are just daft."

McBain habitually spoke as excellent English as only a Scotswoman can, but it pleased her on occasion to assume the Doric much as a duchess may her tiara. "Barry's a dear," protested Nan, "and he doesn't need to play at being master in his own house." "I'm willing to believe you. That red-headed body is mistress and master too." Sandy grinned. "I consider that remark eminently personal.

Again, this people is eager to proselytise; and the postmaster's daughter used to argue with me by the half-hour about my heresy, until she grew quite flushed. I have heard the reverse process going on between a Scotswoman and a French girl; and the arguments in the two cases were identical.

Remember you're a Scotswoman." "If I lose Tibe, I shall be a madwoman," she retorted. "You won't lose him. Alb and I care at least as much for the girls as you do for your dog, and we're not worrying " "That's different. The girls don't belong to you," almost wept the tiny creature.

"'Tis the big hearrt of him that leads his judgment asthray," she said, exulting none the less, as she spoke, over the prospect of handling all those rich materials and for once having the chance to display her skilled cookery. "I said as much as I dared, lest I hurrt his pride, but 'Tis but wanct a year, Missus Kelcey, says he, an' I said no more." The thrifty Scotswoman shook her head.

If so, it was severed in the Carolian times because my ancestors fought on the side of Parliament. My father was a recluse, and a widower, for my mother, a Scotswoman, died at or shortly after my birth. Being very High Church for those days he was not popular with the family that owned the Priory before me.

At times the old Scotswoman who, coming from the debateable ground between Highlands and Lowlands, had united to the rigid piety of the latter much wild Gaelic superstition was half inclined to believe that the little girl was possessed by some spirit. But she was certain it was a good spirit; such a darling as Olive was so patient, and gentle, and good more like an angel than a child.