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That's why I cannot go and leave my boy behind to suffer alone. I want him to go first. He's not strong. What is life, except doing for those we love? Don't you ever feel that about them out there, Lilly? Life is so short such a struggle alone " "Dear Mrs. Schum, you you you're right." "Ah, I know -the young man in the box with you at 'The Web' that night it opened. Your boss. I know!

Lilly?" She shook her head. "I can't. Zoe graduates next month, and " "Good Lord! the youngster!" "Seventeen." He whistled. "Well, I'll be hanged. The sun-kid. Bring her out too, Lilly." "Trieste is very strict with her. She is preparing for her audition in September, and even if it could be managed, there is poor Mrs. Schum, you know." His eagerness would not endure obstacle.

You can't be a real live angel without being dead first, and I'd rather be me." "Lilly, aren't you ashamed? You run on now, or I'll tell your mamma. Poor little Harry can't help it he's an orphan with only his old gramaw to look after him. You a great big girl with your mother and father to do for you. It's not nice to be against Harry." "Well, what was I saying so much, Mrs. Schum?

The little fellow never had the right raising, knocking around with all those nigger servants, and me with never the time to do for him." "Oh, Mrs. Schum, how can you! Why, there wasn't any of the youngsters in the boarding house had a sweeter influence over him than Harry." "No, no. It was all my fault. I was too pressed trying to make ends meet.

Schum would creep in after him, and behind that closed door there was no telling what long hours of pleading and abjuration took place. But, next morning, in her little black bonnet, the rust out in her black dress and the "want ad." sheet cockily enough beneath her arm, Mrs.

"Bring her out, too. How's that, Lilly? I'll send a limousine full of pillows for her. It will take Pauline's mind off her loneliness, having some one to mother. We'll put her up in a sun room with a view of pine woods and Hudson River that cannot be surpassed. It's spring Lilly " "Poor Mrs. Schum!" she replied, her smile tired and twisted.

He took to exceedingly tall small collars and vivid neckwear, his suit very narrow and making him look less than ever his years. Mrs. Schum, too, had taken on some of that well-being, and, though she complained constantly of a sciatic twist in her side, something had lifted from off her.

With a stoicism that taxed her cruelly, she would march smilingly off to school, a bombardment of pains shooting through her head, her hands and tongue dry, a ball and chain of inertia dragging at her ankles. "Lilly, what is the matter? Why don't you eat your bread and butter after school? Has Mrs. Schum said anything?" "No, no, mamma. I'm not hungry, that's all." "Funny. Open the closet.

And then suddenly a quick succession of events set in. One night Lilly and Zoe, returning from a Boston Symphony concert for which they held first-balcony season seats, found Harry trying to pour brandy between the clenched lips of Mrs. Schum, who lay rigid on the hall floor where she had fallen, her head bleeding from a sharp contact with the door.

Can take her myself in the mornings, say, and you, dear Mrs. Schum, are to call for her? I can pay, I can help you and you can help me. Later we may take a larger place with extra room. Mrs. Schum, don't you see, we've been thrown together!" "Why, Lilly I believe I do." It was after ten o'clock when, over a belated little meal, they ceased their planning.