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I think the masculine element must have felt these angry vibrations: they ceased from singing, and together we climbed out of the wood, to see Schlingen below us, tucked in a circle of hills, the white houses shining in the sunlight, "for all the world like eggs in a bird's nest", as Herr Erchardt declared.

The edges of the field frilled over into an immense pine forest very pleasant and cool it looked. Another signpost begged us to keep to the broad path for Schlingen and deposit waste paper and fruit peelings in wire receptacles attached to the benches for the purpose. We sat down on the first bench, and Karl with great curiosity explored the wire receptacle.

'Fasting will not mend the temper of Hans of Schlingen and Michel au Bec rouge. 'Or till Banget descends on him for meddling on Lorraine ground, added old Balchenburg. 'Eat, lady, he added to Jean; 'your meals are not so large that they will make much odds to our stores. We have corn and beer enough to starve out those greedy knaves outside!

It was a very warm afternoon, and continuous parties of "cure guests", who were giving their digestions a quiet airing in pension gardens, called after us, asked if we were going for a walk, and cried "Herr Gott happy journey" with immense ill-concealed relish when we mentioned Schlingen.

We descended upon Schlingen and demanded sour milk with fresh cream and bread at the Inn of the Golden Stag, a most friendly place, with tables in a rose-garden where hens and chickens ran riot even flopping upon the disused tables and pecking at the red checks on the cloths.

"The gentlemen are waiting on the steps, and I have asked the Advanced Lady to come with us." "Na, how extraordinary!" cried Elsa. "But this moment the gnadige Frau and I were debating whether " "Yes, I met her coming out of her room and she said she was charmed with the idea. Like all of us, she has never been to Schlingen. She is downstairs now, talking to Herr Erchardt.