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There are one or two fine dramatic touches, as, for instance, when Daland asks if his ship is any the worse: "Mein Schiff ist fest, es leidet keinen Schaden," with its bitter double meaning; but on the whole things are very dreary and dispiriting until the south wind blows up and stirs the composer's imagination.

This is thus chronicled by M. Ruppen: "1589 den 9 September war eine Wassergrosse, die viel Schaden verursachte. Die Thalstrasse, die von den Steinmatten an bis zur Kirche am Ufer der Visp lag, wurde ganz zerstort. A lecture delivered at the Working Men's College in Great Ormond Street, March 15th, 1890; rewritten and delivered again at the Somerville Club, February 13th, 1894.

Among some of us, I doubt not, this sudden descent of Europe into hell brought unbounded surprise; to others, over wide area, it brought the Schaden Freude of the bitterly hurt; but most of us, I judge, looked on silently and sorrowfully, in sober thought, seeing sadly the prophecy of our own souls. Here is a civilization that has boasted much.

Anna Benfey-Schuppe wrote an overture for "Götz von Berlichingen," as well as incidental music to other plays and various chamber works. Nanette von Schaden, a native of Salzburg, composed two piano concertos, as well as numerous sonatas and rondos for piano.

He then praises the power of all herbs: "Vom Himmel kam der Krauter Schar Geflogen, und da sprechen sie; Wen wir noch lebend treffen an Der Mann soll frei von Schaden sein." Finally the speaker singles out one herb as superior to all others: "Die Krauter viel in Soma's Reich Die hundertfach verstandigen, Von denen bist das beste du Erfullst den Wunsch, und heilst das Herz."

Closely allied to the title of damnum emergens was that of lucrum cessans. According to some writers, the latter was the only true interest. Dr. Cleary quotes some thirteenth-century documents in which a clear distinction is made between damnum and interesse; and it seems to have been the common custom in Germany at a later date to distinguish between interesse and schaden.

He conjures all other herbs to lend their virtue to this special remedy: "Ihr Krauter all' in Soma's Reich Verbreitet auf der Erde hin, Ihr, von Brihaspati erzeugt, Gebt diesem Kraute eure Kraft! "Nicht nehme Schaden, der euch grabt, Noch der, fur Welchen Ich euch grub! Bei uns soll Alles, Mensch, und Vieh, Gesund und ohne Schaden sein.