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In vain did Little White Manka, Manka the Scandaliste, who adored her, try to turn her attention to herself Jennka seemed not to notice her, and the conversation did not at all get on. It was depressing. But it may have been that the August drizzle, which had steadily set in for several weeks running, reacted upon all of them.

The girls return into the house, get into the kitchen, and for a long time sit there on tabourets, contemplating the angry cook Prascoviya, swinging their legs and silently gnawing the sunflower seeds. In the room of Little Manka, who is also called Manka the Scandaliste and Little White Manka, a whole party has gathered.

And the lips were then cold and dry, while the damp mist of the morning lay upon the hair. Silence seized Tamara; silence seized Manka the Scandaliste; and suddenly Jennka, the most untamable of all the girls, ran up to the artiste, fell down on her knees, and began to sob at her feet. And Rovinskaya, touched herself, put her arms around her head and said: "My sister, let me kiss you!"

She was no longer "Little Manka" and "Little White Manka," but she was "Manka the Scandaliste." Having run into the cabinet, she suddenly, from unexpectedness, fell down on the floor, and, lying on her back, burst into such sincere laughter that all the rest burst out laughing as well. Yes.