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This, he recognized, could not go on indefinitely. Fanny added: "But I was wrong you'd kiss her before you said Savina. That, I believe, is the way it works. It is really screaming when you think what you went to New York for to protect Claire, to keep Peyton Morris out of Mina Raff's hands. And, apparently, you succeeded but got in badly yourself.

A piercing regret seized him that he was past the middle of forty and not in the early twenties. To be young and to know Savina! To be young and free. To be young ... the increasing rapidity with which he went forward had the aspect of an endeavor to waste no more precious time.

In the consideration of Savina and himself, he discovered that they, too, were alike; yet, while he had looked for a beauty, a quality, without a name, a substance, Savina wanted a reality every particle of which she had experienced and achingly knew. He, more or less, was troubled by a vision, but her necessity was recognizable in flesh.

Lee, stupefied in the heavy air of his own sensuality, saw the pictorial life on the stage as an accompaniment, the visualization, of his obsession. It was over suddenly, with a massing of form and sound; Lee and Savina Grove were pitilessly drowned in light. Crushed together in the crowded, slowly emptying aisle, her pliable body, under its wrap, followed his every movement.

What a shame it was that he could not go quietly to her with all this, tell her everything. A lie was rooted, concealed, beyond removal at the base of the honesty he planned. There was, of course, this additional phase of the difficulty what had happened concerned Savina even more than it did his wife and him. He had Savina Grove, so entirely in his hands, to guard.

Above all else I don't want to be improved; if I hear a fact of any sort I am going to bed for the rest of the day." "I don't care about those, either," Savina assented; "but the stores, yes. I have to have a mantilla and a high comb right away, now; and I warn you if it's only in our room I'm going to wear them.

Havana was like a, stage on which Savina with a considered bravado they had kept the Randon tried with intoxicating success a part she had long and secretly desired. What, Lee found, he most enjoyed was the personal liberty he had first experienced in New York, waiting to see Savina after he had definitely left Eastlake.

She was stronger than I, Savina was the goal and I was only the seeker that was the difference between us and in absorbing me she was content." "That is very ingenious," Daniel told him. "Do you notice that the smoke is thicker in the east?" "Not more in one direction than in another," Lee answered indirectly; "in the east and south, the north and west, up above and underneath.

He was continually surprised at the correctness of her attitude toward Savina; his wife could know nothing; she was even without the legitimate foundation of a suspicion; but her bearing had a perceptible frostiness of despair. What, he wondered moodily, would next, immediately, develop?

When I tried to compose a telegram from Havana, telling you something of the situation, I couldn't all the idiotic tourists hanging about! Well, here we are, or here I am, and Savina is upstairs, most anxious to meet you." "Certainly," Daniel Randon agreed. He was silent for a moment in the consideration of what he had been told. Then, "I can't have you on the batey," he pronounced.