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But to me the chief quality there revealed was that quality of qualities, decision the greatest power a man can have, except only courage. And old James Galloway had both. He respected Roebuck; Roebuck feared him. Roebuck did have some sort of conscience, distorted though it was, and the dictator of savageries Galloway would have scorned to commit.

The blemishes in The Grammarian's Funeral hoti's business, the enclitic de were stimulants; they heightened his effects. They helped him make clear his meaning, that life is greater than art. These savageries spoke to the hearts of men tired of smoothness and platitude, and who were relieved by just such a breaking up of the ice.

The wrathful skies Gallow the very wanderers of the dark And make them keep their caves. To common language, the word is now completely obsolete. When the polite landsman first hears it from the gaunt Nantucketer, he is apt to set it down as one of the whaleman's self-derived savageries.

The savageries of Richard were quite as vivid as Storri's, perhaps; but at least they had been advantageously hidden beneath a top-dressing of eleven civilizing centuries instead of three; and those eight extra centuries made all the difference in life.

How long will this fetish of international intrigue be tolerated by civilized democracies which have no hatred against each other, until it is inflamed by their leaders and then, in war itself, by the old savageries of primitive nature? I went down to the East frontier on the first day of mobilization. It was in the evening when I went to take the train from the Gare de l'Est.

He uttered a gasp of horror and in an instant lifted her and laid her on the sofa, and on his knees beside her, with remorse oversurging his passion, behaved like a penitent fool, accusing himself of all the unforgivable savageries ever practised by barbaric male. Doria, who was not hurt in the least, sat up and pointed to the door. "Go!" she said. "Go. You're nothing but a brute."

"We are not wont to look so far afield for our warrant," Demeré retorted testily. Then resuming: "These barbarous beasts are no fit allies for English arms. They degrade our spirit, and destroy our discipline, and disgrace our victories. I would rather suffer any honorable defeat than win through their savageries."

He remembered some of them as acquaintances with whom he had been on close terms Justinian, Heraclius, Irene, and the Porphyrogentes. The iconoclastic masters of that cluster of magnificent tenements, the Bucoleon, had especial claims upon his recollection. Had he not incited them to many of their savageries?

Men bivouac over fires of turf, amid snow, amid frost; tear down, how greedily, any wood-work for fire. Leave a trumpet to beg quarter for the frozen and speechless; which is little respected: they are lugged in carts, stript by the savageries, and cruelly used. Chevert, at Prag, refused summons from Prince Lobkowitz: 'No, MON PRINCE; not by any means!

At that time came an order from the government that no more prisoners should be killed but sent to Kalouga. How we were contented!" Many savageries have been committed by the low class of Russians who had remained in Moscow. This is not surprising because these were of the most depraved of the population, including especially many criminals who had been set free to pillage and burn the city.