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So while many others went away to fight or to learn how to fight, as the case might be, Jeff stayed behind and did his bit by remaining steadfastly cheerful. Never before, sartorially speaking, had he cut so splendid a figure as now when such numbers of young white gentlemen of his acquaintance were putting aside civilian garb to put on khaki. Jeff had one of those adaptable figures.

There's nothing like music to drive away hunger. I understand that the lamented king's appetite was seriously affected by the Marseillaise." To his soldiers he spoke with equal vigor. "Soldiers," he said, "sartorially speaking, you are a poor lot; but France does not want a tailor-made army at this juncture.

I do not object to her flicking her wet fingers at me when she comes dripping out of the sea; and I do not even reproach her when she puts her foot upon my sartorially immaculate knee, to show me a pebble-cut on her glistening pink sole. Her conduct has been exemplary.

Half an hour later, bathed, shaved, and sartorially freshened, he selected a blue corn-flower from the rural bouquet on his dresser, drew it through his buttonhole, gave a last alluring twist to his tie, surveyed himself in the mirror, whistled a few bars, was perfectly satisfied with himself, then, unlocking the door, strolled out into the corridor.

Mrs Pansey wore her customary skirts of solemn black, and looked more gloomy than ever; but Daisy, the elderly sylph, brightened the room with a dress of white muslin adorned with many little bows of white ribbon, so that sartorially speaking she was very young, and very virginal, and quite angelical in looks.

Roger Hapgood, sartorially immaculate in shining raiment, glorious as to tie and silken socks, presented himself. Miss Jocelyn Truxton, a big, yellow-hearted rose peeping forth at him from a carefully careless profusion of brown hair, came out upon the porch at his knock, smiled at him saucily, and offered him her hand. "How do you do, Mr. Hapgood? We didn't expect you again so soon.

"As I was saying, when interrupted," he began, continuing to minister to the sombrero, "you see I am an accomplished horseman." Marion and Hillyer broke out in uncontrollable laughter. Then Hillyer hastened to assist Smythe to rise. "Not hurt, I hope?" said Robert. "Objectively, no. Subjectively, yes. Sartorially, a wreck."

Sartorially at least, the company was eminently respectable. The men, for the most part, wore evening dress and the women were visions of feminine loveliness, in the latest creations of Paris modistes gowns a duchess might envy, hats that would tempt the virtue of a saint.

Charley Wax, the sartorially Perfect Gentleman, smiles invitation and encouragement from many a window; an army of elegant and expeditious employees, each as much like Charley Wax as is humanly possible, waits to conduct him to a million ready-to-wear suits.

Sartorially, he wore an undress military cap, with the "U.S." on the front, and a dingy blue uniform with the shoulder-straps of a Captain of infantry. Physically he seemed nearly as much out of order as facially.