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They appear as white specks in the sugar. The disease known as grocer's itch is, undoubtedly, due to the presence of this mite, which, like its ally the Sarcoptes, works its way under the skin of the hand, in this case, however, of cleanly persons. Mr. Cameron states that "the kind of sugar which is both healthful and economical, is the dry, large-grained and light-colored variety."

This parasite causes the birds to become restless, emaciated and droopy. It lives under the skin. The joints of the feet appear affected, and the foot and leg become enlarged, roughened and scaly. Depluming scabies is caused by Sarcoptes laevis var. gallinae. This mite causes the feathers to break off at the surface of the skin.

I have had the good fortune to observe the different stages of a bird mite, intermediate in its form between the Acarus and Sarcoptes, or Itch mite. On March 6th, Mr.

The disease is caused by small mites or acari that are naturally divided into the Sarcoptes, which burrow under the epidermis, forming galleries; the Psoroptes, which live on the surface of the skin where they are sheltered by scabs and scurf; and the Symbiotes, which also live on the surface of the skin, but prefer the regions of the hind feet and legs.