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"Dis is Santy Claus's friend, papa," said the little boy. "We were doin' to su'prise him. He said be very still and we minded." "So this is what you have come to, John," said the elder man, but there was an unwonted gentleness in his voice. "I swear to God I didn't know it was your house. I just came in here because the window was open." The other pointed to the safe. "But you were "

"Here's santy to him," and I finished my sherry and bitters to you, uncle. 'That's right, said Pyecroft's uncle sternly. 'If you hadn't I'd have belted you worth rememberin', Emmanuel. I had the body all night. Pyecroft smiled affectionately. 'So you 'ad, uncle, an' beautifully you looked after her. But as I was saying, "I have an uncle, too," says Mr. Morshed, dark and lowering.

There was a time when I uset to behave fine for a month previous to December twenty-fifth, for the priv'lige of seein' Uncle Santy Claus tumble down the chimbley; and I want to say right here that all the good times I have seen sence ain't got near enough to them good times to catch their dust.

"Fellers," said Tom, when they were all together again in the big room, by virtue of his length, which had given him the nickname of "Stretch," he was the speaker on all important occasions, "ye seen it yerself. Santy Claus is a-comin' to this here joint to-night. I wouldn't 'a' believed it. I ain't never had no dealin's wid de ole guy. He kinder forgot I was around, I guess.

"A doll, O the loveliest doll that ever was!" she cried. Then turning to her brother, she whispered as softly as excitement would permit, "O Harvey, I'm afeard ye paid too much!" "Aw, go on!" said Harvey, his face more like a full moon than ever. "Don't ye know that Santy kin do whatever he wants to?"

Look yonder, Colonel, it takes older and weaker eyes than mine to say them ain't Santy Anna's imps marching down upon us thick as bees just swarmed, too!" "You are right, Furgeson; it is the entire Mexican force! let us form at once and meet them!" Quick and clearly his orders rung out, and his little band, compact and firm, waited in silence the result.

'Twon't be too big. Santy Claus has come to Roney's ranch this year, sure!" THE following story is one of many which has drifted down to us from the story-loving nurseries and hearthstones of Germany.

As if it were a signal, the boys jumped out of bed and danced a breakdown about him in their shirt-tails, even Gimpy joining in. "Holy Moses!" said Stretch, looking down, "if Santy Claus ain't been here an' forgot his hull kit, I'm blamed!"

"Here's yer pack, Santy," he whispered, gleefully. "They're all waitin' in the front room yonder. I'll slip in the back way, whilst you go round and give a good thump at the front door and mom'll let you in." Trembling with eagerness, Tom tiptoed round the house, managing to slip an oblong package into the capacious depths of the big sack as he did so.

After supper, little Eddie Allgire teases his brother D. to tell him about Santa Claus. D. is cracking walnuts on a flat-iron held between his knees. "Is they any Santy Claus, D.?" "W'y, cert, they is. Who says not?" "Bunty Rogers says they ain't no sech a person."