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Moorhouse, who also conversed with the theologian and found him interesting, was so good as to hope that he would call upon her if ever his steps turned towards Budleigh Salterton. After breakfast next morning, Sidwell found her friend sitting with a book beneath one of the great trees of the garden. At that moment Sylvia was overcome with laughter, evidently occasioned by her reading.

By now she had learnt that the Moorhouses and the Warricombes were connected in close friendship: it was all but certain, then, that Miss Moorhouse had told Miss Warricombe of Peak's visit to Budleigh Salterton, and its incidents. Could this in any way be explanatory of the steady, searching look in those soft eyes?

He had never yet been to see her at Budleigh Salterton. That he would do forthwith, and perchance the visit might supply him with suggestions. On the morrow he set forth, going by train to Exmouth, and thence by the coach which runs twice a day to the little seaside town.

It was impossible not to remark his strange mood of repressed excitement; but Marcella did not question him, and Christian had resolved to conceal the day's event until he could speak of it without agitation. Before they parted for the night, Marcella said carelessly: 'I have decided to go down to Budleigh Salterton when the time comes. 'That's right! exclaimed her brother, with satisfaction.

'Yes; but surely there is no reason why we shouldn't say good-bye in a natural and friendly way? 'Can you forgive me for that deceit I practised? Peak laughed. 'What does it matter? We should in any case have met at Budleigh Salterton. 'No. I had no serious thought of accepting their invitation.

Give me my bag and note-book. I must go straight away to the 'Incubator Company's Office; I promised them a notice in my Salterton letter next week. There, go, child; I don't want you any more." "But I am in no hurry, Mrs. Needham. Lord de Burgh is no very particular friend of mine." "Well, well! That remains to be seen. Just smooth your hair, won't you?

The prophecy of the old sailor at Budleigh Salterton Bay came true, and for a brief time all England held its breath while the famous Spanish fleet, called the Armada, bore down upon her coast. Then all over the country gentlemen of fortune manned ships and put to sea, but especially the men of Devon, of Somerset, and Cornwall, counties famed for their sailors.

And therewith the odd epistle was concluded. Sidwell perused the latter part several times. Of course she was at no loss to interpret it. Buckland's demeanour for the past two months had led her to surmise that his latest visit to Budleigh Salterton had finally extinguished the hopes which drew him in that direction. His recent censure of Sylvia might be thus explained.

Now there came to her one day at luncheon time, on the day succeeding that on which Miss French had promised to sacrifice her chignon, a certain Mrs. Clifford from Budleigh Salterton, to whom she was much attached. Perhaps the distance of Budleigh Salterton from Exeter added somewhat to this affection, so that Mrs. Clifford was almost closer to our friend's heart even than Mrs.

Her tone was more reserved than hitherto. 'Yes, I knew he had. He met Miss Moxey by chance at Budleigh Salterton, and I happened to be there at the Moorhouses' on the same day. Sidwell glanced at him inquiringly, and waited for something more. 'I saw Miss Moxey in private, he added, speaking more quickly, 'and asked her to keep my secret.