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The work of gathering up the wounded lasted till late at night. Our loss in regimental and line officers was very great. Scarcely a regiment but what had lost one of its staff, nor a company some of its officers. Dr. Salmond, the Brigade Surgeon, came early upon the field and directed in person the movements of his assistants in their work of gathering up the wounded.

As soon as Mr Salmond heard that there was water in the ship, he directed the women and children to be put in the cutter in charge of Mr Richards, master's assistant, which was done. In ten minutes after the first concussion, and while the engines were turning astern, the ship struck again under the engine-room, and broke in two.

Lieutenant Colonel A.S. Goodwin. Major Frank Gaillard. Adjutant E.E. Sill. Quartermaster W.D. Peck. Commissary J.J. Villipigue. Chief Surgeon Dr. F. Salmond. Chaplains Revs. McGruder and Smith. I give below a list of the Captains, as well as the field officers, of the Second Regiment during the war.

General Kershaw was Colonel of the Second South Carolina Regiment. His regiment was at the bombardment of Sumter. His staff consisted of Dr. T.W. Salmond, Surgeon; Fraser, Quarter-Master; J.I. Villipigue, Commissary; A.D. Goodwyn, Adjutant. At the reorganization of the Brigade, Dr. Salmond was promoted to Brigade Surgeon and was in all of the battles in Virginia.

Company E John D. Kennedy, Kershaw. Company F W.W.Perryman, Anderson. Company G I. Haile, Kershaw. Company H H. McManus, Lancaster. Company I G.B. Cuthbert, Charleston. Company K R. Rhett, Charleston. Surgeon Dr. F. Salmond, Kershaw. Quartermaster W.S. Wood, Columbia. Commissary J.J. Villipigue. Chaplain A.J. McGruder.

A later work on Christian Ethics, which acquires special prominence through its place in "The International Theological Library," edited by Drs. Briggs and Salmond, is by Dr. Newman Smyth.

That I believed I had so expressed myself at the time to Colonel Salmond. I added that I could assure him I would not willingly, by endeavouring to extend the limits assigned by Parliament to the power of the Board, or by my manner of exercising that power, interrupt the harmony which so happily existed between the court and me. Went to the Foreign Office.

Salmond, then Brigade Surgeon of Kershaw's Brigade, learning that his friend Captain Leitner was seriously wounded, abandoned his post at the infirmary, mounted his horse and went to the field where Captain Leitner lay, amid the storm of lead and iron, regardless of the dangers which encompassed him on every hand. He placed Captain Leitner on his horse, and brought him off the field.

The Confederate losses were: Longstreet, 7,539; Ewell, 5,973; A.P. Hill, 6,735; Cavalry under Stuart, 1,426; in all 21,643. Enemy's loss, 23,049. I herewith give sketches of Colonel Dessausure and Major McLeod, killed in action, and of Doctor Salmond, Brigade Surgeon.

Then the sales-manager, that driving but festive soul, Mr. Charles Salmond, whom everybody called "Chas." pronounced "Chaaz" a good soul who was a little tiresome because he was so consistently an anthology of New York. He believed in Broadway, the Follies, good clothes, a motor-car, Palm Beach, and the value of the Salvation Army among the lower classes. When Mr. Fein fought for real beauty in their suburban developments it was Chas. who echoed all of New York by rebelling, "We aren't in business for our health this idealistic game is O.