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The absorption of a small amount of this drug does the animal no harm, but a larger quantity may salivate it. Sheep are treated by dipping in a water solution of a reliable coal tar disinfectant. This should not be practised during cold weather, as the fleece does not dry out. Insect powder may be dusted into the fleece when it is impossible to dip the animal.

I'll leave this stock in your name till then, and you shall walk with me into the stockholders' meeting and help me salivate old Napper Tandy. We'll teach him not to play tricks." Captain Hallam spoke no word of commendation for the way in which Temple had done his work. Words were unnecessary.

Captain Will Hallam rose, grasped the hand of his companion, and, after a look into his eyes, said: "You're the right sort. You have vim, force, pathos, and energy. You and I, working together, will salivate things in a way that will make Calomel ashamed of itself." "But how about Kennedy and his discharge?" asked Duncan. "Oh, that's settled.

He withheld his fire when he divined that the man was not shooting at him; and when he saw the man on the rock shoot again downward once more the rider frowned with embarrassment. "Don't even know I'm here!" he mused. "An' me gettin' ready to salivate him!" He got to his knees and watched, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

That's why I let this hussy in to talk to you. I thought I'd hear somethin', an' I did!" "Lawler, you're free as the air! If there's any more of this talk about chargin' you with killin' them two guys, an' you don't salivate them that's doin' the talkin', I will!" After his first quick glance at Moreton, Lawler looked at Della.

I reckon you're in the game to salivate me." Harlan sheathed his gun. "You're talkin' extravagant, mister man." And now he permitted a cold smile to wreathe his lips. "If it'll do you any good to know," he added, "I've just put Dolver out of business." "I heard that, too," declared the man, laughing bitterly. "I heard you tellin' Dolver.

If any harm comes to Mary Bransford while I'm gone, I'll salivate you guys!" Shortly after breakfast the herd was on the move. The cowboys started them westward slowly, for trail cattle do not travel fast, urging them on with voice and quirt until the line stretched out into a sinuously weaving band a mile long.

"I ain' got much use fur dis yer gittin' en ungittin' er salvation," put in Uncle Ish from the table where he was eating a late dinner of Aunt Verbeny's providing. "Dar's too much monkeyin' mixed up wid it fur me. Hit's too much de work er yo' j'ints ter make me b'lieve hit's gwine ter salivate yo' soul.

Determine, then, gentlemen, you, for whose maturer judgment and years I feel profound respect, whether we shall blister, or sweat, or bleed, or salivate." Dr.

Through repetition, just thinking about the stimulus can bring on the response. This is known as ideomotor action and is present in the waking as well as the hypnotic state. Pavlov's famous experiments which induced dogs to salivate when a bell was rung after previously having had food fed to them at the same time are examples of this type of conditioning.