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He had brought a fruit salid, cold chicken, potatoe Chips, cake and ice-cream. It was a delightful Repast, and not soon to be forgotten by the Corps. Mademoiselle got out of the Adams's car and came over, although she had her own lunch as usual. She then had the Chauffeur carry over a seat cushion, and to see her one would beleive she was always pleasant.

Is it not the only way a woman can do when in conflict with the Other Sex, to meet Wile with Gile? In other words, to use her intellagence against brute force? I fear so. Men do not expect truth from us, so why disapoint them? During the salid mother inquired what I had done during the afternoon. "I made a few purchaces," I said. "I hope you bought some stockings and underclothes," she observed.

Here's a sandwich, some chicken, salid, jell, two kinds of cake, and some ice- cream fer you. Bud can hev first pick now, 'cause he ain't so strong as the rest of you. All right, Bud; take the rest of the ice-cream and some cake." "'Tain't fair! I'm a girl, and I'm younger than Bud. I'd orter choose first," sobbed Cory. "Shut up, Co!

You'll wake Iry, and then he'll hev to hev something, and if he sleeps right through, thar'll be jest so much more fer you. 'Twon't hurt him to miss what he don't know about. All right, Cory, you can hev cake and jell. That's a good boy, Bud, to give her two tastes of the cream, and ma'll give you two more. Bobby? Sandwiches and pickle. Milt? Chicken and salid.

"There are to many houses in this country, father," I said, folding my arms, "where the Patriotism of the Inhabatants is shown by having a paid employee hang out and take in the Emblem between Cocktails and salid, so to speak." "Oh damm!" said my father, in a feirce voice. "Here, get away and let me take it in. And as I'm in my undershirt I only hope the neighbors aren't looking out."

Did I or did I not see his face set into the lines of one who had little or no respect for the Flag? "I'll take it down when I get time, miss," he said, in a tone of resignation. "But what with making the salid and laying the table for dinner and mixing cocktails, and the cook so ugly that if I as much as ask for the paprika she's likely to throw a stove lid, I haven't much time for Flags."

Hit's agin de mor'l law fer niggers fer ter eat w'en dey don't wuk, an' w'en you see um 'pariently fattenin' on a'r, you k'n des bet dat ruinashun's gwine on some'rs. I got mustard, en poke salid, en lam's quarter in dat baskit, en me en my ole 'oman gwineter sample it. Ef enny you boys git a invite you come, but ef you don't you better stay 'way.