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Get Your Redemption Recorded. You can get this done at the Sakhi Binayak Temple, and it is best to do it, for otherwise you might not be able to prove that you had made the pilgrimage in case the matter should some day come to be disputed. That temple is in a lane back of the Cow Temple.

Your servants toil to enslave themselves; but the whole earth and infinite space are for the child, for the New Life." "What does that child bring you?" "Hope for all the world and its joy." Mind asked me, "Poet, do you understand?" "I lay my work aside," I said, "for I must have time to understand." Oh Sakhi, my sorrow knows no bounds.

Hetuvadins are dialecticians or philosophers who dispute on the reasons of things. It is worthy of note that Draupadi was always styled by Krishna as his sakhi or 'friend'. Krishna was highly chivalrous to the other sex at an age when women were universally regarded as the inferiors of men.

I wait for the moment when my body will grow golden at his touch. Vidyapati says, "Immense is your good fortune, and blessed is your love." I feel my body vanishing into the dust whereon my beloved walks. I feel one with the water of the lake where he bathes. Oh Sakhi, my love crosses death's boundary when I meet him. My heart melts in the light and merges in the mirror whereby he views his face.

Get Your Redemption Recorded. You can get this done at the Sakhi Binayak Temple, and it is best to do it, for otherwise you might not be able to prove that you had made the pilgrimage in case the matter should some day come to be disputed. That temple is in a lane back of the Cow Temple.

And the mother being sick too ... Hush, then, little one ... We changed his name when the fever came. We put him into girl's clothes. There was nothing we did not do, except I said to his mother when she bundled me off to Benares she should have come with me I said Sakhi Sarwar Sultan would serve us best. We know His generosity, but these down-country Gods are strangers.

No matter how far a pilgrim has come, and how many offerings he has bestowed since his arrival, unless he repair to the shivala of Sakhi Banaik and duly report his appearance, his pilgrimage will have been performed in vain.