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The very remembrance of that saint-like expression put to shame the despair to which I have yielded." "I I I am" M. de Bois could get no further. If he meant to use any argument to persuade Maurice that it was only a vision, conjured up by his fevered imagination, which he had seen, the attempt would have been vain.

Every justification suddenly leaves him. He is utterly confounded. The gossip of the club Count Marescotti and his miserable verses the marchesa herself what are they all beside the purity of those saint-like eyes? Nera, too false, fickle, sensual Nera a mere thing of flesh and blood he had left her for Nera! Was he mad?

I am a man of the world, and pretend to nothing saint-like or chivalric, but do you think I am capable of going to Mr. Winthrop and striking down his daughter Susie with a loathsome disease? And yet if a minister or priest should come here he would begin to talk about the mysterious providence, and submission to God's will. If I am to have a God, I want one at least better than myself."

"I am so glad," she whispered. "Can it be true?" "It's plain as a barn door. She'll be a mother before shad have run out, or cherries come in." "The proud creature! And now, Cal dear, you see nothing exceptionally saint-like there?" "I see shame, friendlessness, wealth, and welcome," spoke the young man. "It's just my luck!" "But the deaf man? Will he not take her part?" "No.

These are the missionaries, their wives, and children, taking a family airing. Sometimes, by the bye, they take horse, and ride down to Point Venus and back; a distance of several miles. At this place is settled the only survivor of the first missionaries that landed an old, white-headed, saint-like man, by the name of Wilson, the father of our friend, the consul.

Prank thy halls, O Westminster, for the triumph of the Lancastrian king, or open thou, O Grave, to receive the saint-like Henry and his noble son. The king-maker goes before ye, saint-like father and noble son, to prepare your thrones amongst the living or your mansions amongst the dead! Raw, cold, and dismal dawned the morning of the fourteenth of April.

But after all, nothing can give a greater confirmation of the saint's miracles, than his saint-like life; which was even more wonderful than the miracles themselves.

Raymond, then, with his saint-like face and his reputation of piety, together with the story of his residence beneath the care of Father Paul, quickly obtained a certain reputation of his own that made him something of a power; and Gaston felt proud to go about with his brother at his side, and hear the comments passed upon that brother by the comrades he had made in the past years.

Simeon Stylites who, perched on a lofty pillar, preserved an attitude of saint-like withdrawal from earthly things for days; and even Socrates, of whom it was said that he would stand for hours motionless and wordless all these are probable instances of autohypnotism."

Here, she said to herself had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul, and work out another purity than that which she had lost: more saint-like, because the result of martyrdom. Hester Prynne, therefore, did not flee.