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We saw Saddlebank duck his wand in a coaxing way, like an angler dropping his fly for fish; he made all sorts of curious easy flourishes against the sky and branched up the lane.

I treated him as if he was as well as ever he was, gave him his turtle and madeira lunch; and Alderman Saddlebank, who lunched here your father used to say, he looks like a robin hopping out of a larderquite jumped to dine him in the City like old times; and he will see a great spread of plate! She thought my father only moderately unwell, wanting novelty.

Captain Bulsted agreed with me that it would be prudent to go and fetch him. At the door of the City hall stood Andrew Saddlebank, grown to be simply a larger edition of Rippenger's head boy, and he imparted to us that my father was 'on his legs' delivering a speech: It alarmed me. With Saddlebank's assistance I pushed in. 'A prince! a treacherous lover! an unfatherly man!

The lot fell to a boy named Barnshed, a big slow boy, half way up every class he was in, but utterly stupid out of school; which made Saddlebank say: 'They'll take it he's the bird that wants stuffing. Barnshed was directed where to rejoin us. The others asked why he was trotted after sage and onions. 'Because he's an awful goose, said Saddlebank.

So we played at catch with the Dutch cheese, and afterwards bowled it for long-stopping, when, to the disgust of Saddlebank and others, down ran the black-haired girl and caught the ball clean at wicket-distance. As soon as she had done it she was ashamed, and slunk away. The boys called out, 'Now, then, pig-iron ! One fellow enraged me by throwing an apple that hit her in the back.

'Aha! Saddlebank grumbled, 'this comes of the precious company you would keep in spite of my caution. The man told us to go it, for he liked to observe young gentlemen enjoying themselves. Temple tossed him a pint bottle of beer, with an injunction to him to shut his trap. 'Now, you talk my mother tongue, said the man; 'you're what goes by the name of a learned gentleman. Thank ye, sir.

We were informed that he had gone down with Alderman Duke Saddlebank to dine at one of the great City Companies' halls. I could hardly believe it. 'Ah! my dear Mr. Harry, said Lady Sampleman, 'old friends know one another best, believe that, now.

You'll be a counsellor some day. 'I won't get off thieves, I can tell you, said Temple. He was the son of a barrister. 'Nor you won't help cook their gooses for them, may be, said the man. 'Well, kindness is kindness, all over the world. The women stormed at him to command him not to anger the young gentlemen, for Saddlebank was swearing awfully in an undertone.

While the words were coming out of his mouth, he saw the tramps, and the male tramp's eyes and his met. The man had one eyebrow and his lips at one corner screwed in a queer lift: he winked slowly. 'Odd! ain't it? he said. Saddlebank shouldered round on us, and cried, 'Confound you fellows! here's a beastly place you've pitched upon. His face was the colour of scarlet in patches.

The man walked like one half asleep, and appeared to wake up now and then to find that he was right in the middle of his geese, and then he waited, and Saddlebank waited behind him. Presently the geese passed a lane leading off the downs.