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Minty's heart gave a great throb. Hiram Trickey had sent home a photograph, which showed him to have become very like the picture of a pirate in Cyrus's old book, with pistols and a dirk at his belt. "Jason, the new minister's daughter has got a white gull's wing on her hat, and it's up in the spare chamber on the bed, and I don't think Sabriny would ever know the difference."

She's what ye might call savin', fer she's savin' her board, an' when she left the Brimblecom's the last time she spent the summer with 'em, she put a little package in Mis' Brimblecom's hand just as she went aout the door, 'Jest a little gift in return for your kindness, said Sabriny, in her lofty way.

Weston, "but you've a kind heart, an' while you'd feel like tellin' her ter go, you wouldn't do it." "Mis' Brimblecom's one er the best women that ever lived, an' it's provokin' fer her ter be pestered with Sabriny," declared Mrs. Hodgkins. "Wal, I must be goin'," and away she went, stopping on the way to greet Randy who stood by the wall upon which sat Prue and Tabby. Long after Mrs.

She ain't goin' ter stay but a week longer with us, an' then she goes ter stay with her brother Jabez, an' land knows, I pity Mis' Brimblecom, fer Sabriny says she's goin' ter stay the whole summer.

Brimblecom perused a few more lines, when again she spoke. "She seems ter 'have little energy, wal, I don't want ter be mean, but I can't help a hopin' that she won't gain any. Sabriny without energy would be er sight that'd cheer me. Her tremenjous vim nearly wore me aout last season. Ef she'd jest manage ter leave her energy ter hum, I do'no's I'd mind her comin'." While good Mrs.

Wal, I'll be switched if she isn't comin' daown ter the bars naow. Wonder what's up?" "Jabez! Jabez! Ja bez!" "All right, I'll be there," was the answer, but in an aside he remarked apparently to the horses, "'F I git my courage up, I'll tell her 'baout Sabriny naow and be done with it;" but his bravery was not put to the test.

"Wal," he continued, "I must git this piece er plaoughin' done. I can't set daown an' luxooriate an' wait 'til we see Sabriny acomin'." With a loud "G'lang there," he aroused his placid horses, and across the fields they sped, and Mrs.

And then I I took the gull's wing off the minister's daughter's hat to send to Sabriny, and and so that's why I sent her the blue feather, and and Sabriny's going to send the gull's wing back " "Jason, you go and fetch that turkey home!" said Uncle Kittredge. "And, Maria, don't you blame them children one mite!" "I never heard of such high-handed doin's!" gasped Aunt Kittredge.

"Sabriny's a team, an' so's Mis' Brimblecom. They never did pull together. Not but that they pull 'nough, only it's allus the opposite ways. I don't stay in doors much arter she arrives! No, Siree! "G'lang there! G'lang I say! "Well, fust ye won't stop, an' then ye won't budge! I vaow I never see a pair er critters like ye, 'cept my wife an' cousin Sabriny!"

Nero and for Poppy, but I don't know how it would have been with you, Arvilly; a man that would kick his wife to death wouldn't be apt to brook a book-agent." "Yes," sez Josiah, "anybody that would kick Poppy Sabriny would do anything." Sez I: "It would look just as well, Josiah, for a perfessor not to talk so much about another woman besides his pardner, even if she is a stun woman."