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Then a cunning little locket on a bit of velvet ribbon, which Cousin Helen tied round Elsie's neck. "There's a piece of my hair in it," she said. "Why, Elsie, darling, what's the matter? Don't cry so!" "Oh, you're s-o beautiful, and s-o sweet!" sobbed Elsie; "and you're go-o-ing away." Dorry had a box of dominoes, and John a solitaire board.

Now and then, as the tumult outside seems to be increasing, the Che-hsein writes big red characters on flat bamboo-staves and sends it out by an officer to be read to the mob; and occasionally, as he sits and listens attentively to the clamor, as though gauging the situation by the volume of the noise, he addresses himself to me with a soothing and reassuring "S-s-o, s-s-o, s-s-o, s-o."

Looking sternly at the offender, her lips rounded into a long-drawn "s-o," the light of anticipated revenge danced in her eyes. At last she knew what to do, O most honorable but very ugly cat!

The courtier was indignant, and answered her so tartly that Kate, even in reading it over a second time, could not refrain from fits of laughter. 'It is is so s-o like what you w-wo-uld say if a wo-wo-man were to fol-low you, she said, with the tears rolling down her cheeks. 'Is it really? asked Ralph, joining in the laugh, although in a way that did not seem to be very genuine.

But when the bargain was concluded he lingered and added shamefacedly: "Won't you please let that red-and-black rooster live as long as you can? I raised it." "Why, bless my heart!" exclaimed Miss Chris, "I believe the child is fond of the chicken." Eugenia, who was hovering by, burst into tears and declared that the rooster should not die. "Twenty cents is s-o ch-ea-p for a li-fe," she sobbed.