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"At Sanct Androwis, the 25th day of October . J. CARDINALL OFF SANCT ANDROWIS. "To the rycht honourable and our rycht traist cousing the lard of Dvn." "Most interesting!" declared the young girl, holding the frame in her hands.

And for he wald thaim sone suppriss, That levyt in the castell war, That war but twa for owtyn mar, Fyve men or sex befor send he, That fand all opyn the entre; And entryt, and the porter tuk Rycht at the gate, and syne the cuk. With that Dowglas come to the gat, And entryt in for owtyn debate; And fand the mete all ready grathit, With burdys set, and clathis layit.

And than thai that enbuschyt war Ischyt till him, bath les and mar And rayssyt sudanly the cry. And thai that saw sa sudanly That folk come egyrly prikand Rycht betuix thairn and thair warank, Thai war in to full gret effray. And, for thai war owt off aray, Sum off thaim fled, and some abad.

Rycht honorable Sir,—All my hartly duty vith humbill servise remembred. If I kan nocht vin to Fakland the first nycht, I sall be tymelie in St Johnestoun on the morne. Alwyse I repose on yowr advertysment of the precyse day, vith credit to the berar: for howbeit he be bot ane silly ald gleyd carle, I vill answer for him that he sall be very trew.

On the back ‘Sprott,’ ‘bookit’ . Robert Logan of Restalrig to . . . Rycht honorabill Sir,—My hartly dewty remembred.

Robert Logan of Restalrig to . . . Rycht Honorabill Sir,—My dewty with servise remembred.

Then suld thai, full enforcely, Rycht ymyddys the kyrk assaill The Ingliss men with hard bataill Swa that nane mycht eschap them fra; For thar throwch trowyt thai to ta The castell, that besid wes ner And quhen this, that I tell you her, Wes diuisyt and undertane, Ilkane till his howss hame is gane; And held this spek in priuete, Till the day off thar assembly.