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Wee goe to the "Crowne" at VI. o'clock, I having mett with Captain Settle, who is on dewty with the horse tonite, and must to Abendonn by IX. I looke for you Your unfayned loving A. K. The bearer has left my servise, and his helth conserus me nott. Soe kik him if he tarrie.

They're a killin me," screeched Bement. The woman had set her teeth. Her face was a little whiter, the red spots under her cheek bones were a little smaller and a little redder than before. That was all the sign she gave. Putting her hand convulsively over the spot on her bosom where the desired articles were secreted, she replied in a shrill voice: "I shell keep the keys, Cephas. It's my dewty.

Robert Logan of Restalrig to . . . Rycht Honorabill Sir,—My dewty with servise remembred.

"The Old Man's offered me Dudley's job, but I don't want a staff job. I want to go back to Davidsburg. Who cares to be stuck around the Post?" "Me for one!" retorted the old soldier grinning, "Jes' now, anyway. Listen, son! Th' Old Man 'e sez to me: ''Ardy! 'e sez, 'you've bin 'it pretty bad and I find you deserve a softer class of dewty than goin' back t' prisoner's escort.

"They doo say," said old Durgan, the landlord, who had maintained a respectful silence during the technical conversation, "as there's no less than three p'licemen from 'Azelworth on dewty every night in the house 'count of this Lady Aveling 'n her jewellery. One'm won fower-and-six last night, off second footman tossin'."

On the back ‘Sprott,’ ‘bookit’ . Robert Logan of Restalrig to . . . Rycht honorabill Sir,—My hartly dewty remembred.

"That's right, squaire; that's right. Theer, I shan't cut up rusty, though I might, of course. It was yewr dewty, I s'pose." "Yes, of course," said Mark. "That's right, squaire. Allus dew yewr dewty. I ain't riled. But yew'll trade that barl or tew o' whites flour with me, I reckon, and anything I've got you shall hev. What dew yew say to some Chicago pork? Rale good."

Pray, Cephas, that I may hev strength given me ter dew my dewty." "Ye won't see me killed 'fore yer eyes, will ye, give em the keys I tell ye," shrieked Bement, as they began to swing him, and Abner said: "One." The woman looked a bit more like going into hysterics, but not a whit more like yielding. "Mebbe t'wont kill ye, an they can't bust the door, nohow. Mebbe they'll git tuckered 'fore long.

I think I'll recommend you for Provo'-Sorjint, in charge o' th' Guard-room, w'en you're able t' return t' dewty, 'e sez." With an effort Redmond roused himself to the point of congratulating the Cockney upon his prospective promotion. He had no desire to act as a wet blanket on such an auspicious occasion as this, his own troubles notwithstanding.